The boy made me want to puke, to scream, to punch him. Even at thirteen, I got angry easily. Too easily. I didn't catch most of what they were saying— seeing as the blood rushing to my ears was deafening me.

Instead of doing something, saying something, I just turned around and went right back to chopping wood, suddenly needing to let off more steam.


An hour later, I had broken a sweat and gone through two dozen logs, which I stacked semi-neatly on the ever-growing stack. Sometimes, I think Hagrid had to let out some anger too. Going back inside, I sat across from Hagrid, casually petting Fang. I always wanted a dog, but mother said no, as she did to most things that provided any chance of joy.

"I hate Defense . . . " I began, staring at the dog. I described — in as few words as possible — the bogus lesson I had before lunch, and how shitty it was that Moody was my teacher now.

"And nobody— nobody stopped Moody?" Hagrid asked after I finished my rant.

I furiously shook my head. "Nobody gives a sh— crap about Slytherins. Unless your acting suspicious, then you have Potter breathing your neck, demanding to know which of your friends is a Death Eater."

"That— he has no right to call a student— to call yer a— a Death Eater!" Hagrid frowned deeply, shaking his head. "It's 'surd, you were just a babe when He was still around! Not right!"

I felt . . . better knowing that at least someone outside of Slytherin could see the injustice. "I'm— I'm going to go to Dumbledore myself and—"

"Don't bother, Hagrid." I sighed, shaking my head. "Worse has been said about me. We all know how the faculty here thinks of me."

"You're a teenager— yer' allowed to be childish! Moody has no excuse!"

"Thanks, Hagrid." I smiled slightly, glad to see someone understood. "It's— it's nice to know—"

A pounding on the door interrupted me. Hagrid excused himself, opening the door to reveal Potter and his two friends. I stood, running a hand through my hair.

"I have detention with Snape soon." I lied, sliding out the door. "Thank you for the consultation, Hagrid. I'll make sure to only feed to giant spiders First Years. Wouldn't want them to get a stomach ache."

The half-giant tried to stop me, but I ignored his words. I ducked into the crowd of people now rushing to class after lunch, shoving my way to Charms. I managed to make it into the room just in time, though most already had taken their seats when I arrived. Only the very front and a few spots in the back were available. Rather stay as far from Flitwick as possible, I regretfully took a seat in the back, caught with the Weasley Twins on my left, Adrian and Cassius on my right.

Cassius, Adrian, and I had very few classes together this year, despite being the same House and year. Adrian wasn't the brightest, and Cassius liked to do as little work as possible, leaving them unprepared when the O.W.L.S. took place last year. I got high marks, seeing as I was smart enough to actually study, giving me the pass to take classes the duo couldn't. Which I may have taken just to avoid them. Cassius and Adrian tended to be distracting, and constantly pestered me for help on homework, that I refused to give.

The lesson began only a few seconds after I sat down, so I hoped I could avoid talking with anyone about what happened in Moody's class this morning. The wand poking me in the ribs told me otherwise.

I scowled, turning to George as Flitwick faced the board, making sure to whisper. "What?"

The redhead held up a green and black tie, one I hadn't realized wasn't around my neck. "Think you dropped something, love."

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