the one where it all begins.

Start from the beginning

Gunner's grip tightens as a group of boys pass. "I don't know princess, but I'm sure you guys will figure it out. You've got this." I nod lightly. After talking to the firefighters for an hour Gunner and I go back to his house. As soon as I walk through the door, his mom projects her body at me. "Oh, baby I heard what happened I'm so sorry!" I quickly hug her back, letting out a small laugh. She lets go and holds me at arm's length. "Nothing happened to you right?" I nod. She smiles. She walks back to the kitchen, pulling us both with.

"Let's eat some dinner and then wait for your dad okay?" Gunner suggests, sitting at the table. I nod, sitting next to him. "Alfredo," I moan quietly. Gunner's mom smirks. "What a coincidence that I made your favorite dinner." I smile lightly as she hands me a plate of noodles and chicken. I eat it slowly, trying to get time to pass, also to enjoy the wonderful flavor. 

It's now five and Gunner and I are just sitting on the couch, snuggling, watching a movie. I couldn't focus on the movie though. Nothing could've been saved. The only things I have, are my school supplies, this one outfit, my phone, headphones, some tampons, and dad. What the hell am I going to do? He can't buy me a bunch of clothes. I don't make enough money at my job to buy myself some clothes. Tears start prickling my eyes and my heart is heavy. If dad doesn't already know about this, it's going to kill him when he finds out.

I take a few deep breaths and sit up. "He's going to be home in ten minutes, I'm going to go home and wait for him okay?" He nods. "Let me get my shoes," He says before standing up. I stop him. "No, it's okay. I want to do this alone." He looks me dead in the eye. "You sure babe?" I nod. He continues to walk to the door. "Well let's go, I'm still going to drive you," I let out a laugh. He said it as if I was stupid. I roll my eyes with a small smile. I follow him outside. We get into the car then drive to my house. Everything was cleaned up. We didn't have a very big house.

My heart once again stopped. I can't believe this is real. This is actually happening. I kiss him on the cheek then thank him for everything. "I don't know how many times I have to tell you, but you don't have to say thank you after every nice thing I do for you. You are my girlfriend, I choose to treat you so nicely. I choose to do these type things for you." I shake my head. "Okay," He smiles, driving off. I walk to the top of the driveway. I sit in the middle and wait.

As expected, ten minutes later my father's old rusty car pulls into the driveway. I stand up. He gets out, his eyes wide. I start to break down. He opens his arms and I run into them. I'm bawling as he asks, "What the hell happened!" I take a few deep breaths, the tears still coming. "I-I was in the middle of lunch when I got t-the call. They tried calling you, but you hadn't answered." His breaths are fast. I could tell he was panicking just like I had at first. I pull away from him and he looks down.

"We need to find somewhere to sleep, come on." He says calmly, taking me to the car. I sit in the front as we pull out of the driveway. "Do they know how this happened?" I shake my head. "They haven't found any evidence. Everything's been ruined." He lets out a breath. "So everything in this car is what we have?" I nod slowly. He nods as well, digesting the information. As we're driving onto the main road, dad's cell goes off. He picks it up, answers it, then puts his focus back on the road. I just stare at the window with sadness. "You're serious?" My dad asks, cautiously. "Oh no Lee, I couldn't." My ears perk up. Was it that Lee? "I mean no, but I couldn't. I don't want to be a burden." I hear a loud 'Come on, Fred' come from the phone.

"Lee, you realize, you'd be housing both my daughter and me for a long time? I'm nowhere near ready to buy another house." My eyes widen even more. He was offering a place to live?! "A really long time, like, more than a year or so." It's quiet for another minute. "Fuck Lee. You're serious. One hundred percent?" A loud 'Godammit Fred, yes!' comes from the phone. My heart starts beating faster. "A-Alright, we'll be over in about an hour." Then he hangs up the phone. He comes to a stop and does a U-turn. "What was that?!" I scream. He lets out a loud laugh.

"Member Lee?" I nod. "He has that huge ass mansion. He has almost too much extra space. Anyway, he heard of the fire and wants us to stay with him and his family." My eyes widen. "A mansion? Don't they live on the rich side of town?" He nods with a smirk. I do a happy dance, letting out an 'abdkfhwykdue'. My dad shakes his head at me. I smile. "They're really okay with it?" He nods. "Lee and Anna did a lot of convincing. They're excited in fact." My heart leaps. This is too good to be true.

The hour passes quickly and we pull up to a gate. My dad checks his phone and punches in a code. The gates open and we follow a path to a garage. Dad parks the car, getting out. I do the same, my anxiety quickly settling in as I see how big the house actually was. I walk behind him as we walk the front steps. Once we're at the door I get goosebumps. One, the wind was cold and two the fear started sinking in. I hear shuffling on the other side, then as quick as lightning, the door is open. A man, about the same age as my dad, appears. He gives my dad a really big hug. "God, I missed you, man. Four years has been way too long." My dad laughs. "It really has been buddy. I'm sorry." He turns around. "Been busy keeping her safe and alive." Lee looks at me and the softest smile falls on his face. He tears up just a little bit. "Baby Katherine, look at you!" My eyes start watering too. I let out a laugh then walk into his open arms. He gives me a really big hug. The fear melts away, but the anxiety decides to stay.

He lets go, backing up. "Well, welcome to your new home!" He says way too excitedly. Anna comes out behind him laughing. "Don't mind him, he's just a little excited." She and dad laugh. They hug, kissing each other on the cheek. "Babe, you've grown to quite an exceptional woman!" Anna says looking me up and down. I blush lightly. She laughs, pulling me into a hug. We hug tightly then pull back. "Oh! You guys must be exhausted, come, I'll show you your rooms!" We all go up the stairs to my dad's room. It was the third door to the right on the second floor. Dad goes into his room, saying goodnight and thank you one last time. We go to the third floor. The last door on the right says off limits. All sorts of scenarios come to mind as I think what might be back there. I shake my head and go to the room directly across from it.

"Goodnight dear, let us know if you'll need anything!" Lee says, waving and walking back down to the first floor. Anna stays with me. I lay on the bed and I'm instantly in love. She bursts into laughter. "Nice right?" I sit up with a huge smile. "This room was the size of half my house. It's amazing in here!" I say way too excitedly. She once again laughs. "I'm taking you shopping tomorrow." She says as I get out of the bed. My eyes widen. "Oh no, please don't! You're already doing so much, I couldn't ask for any more." She laughs. "Nonsense dear. I have all this money and no one to spend it on. Plus I've never had a daughter. This could be really cool for both of us." Her eyes shine as she tells me about it.

I couldn't say no to her, she was too happy. I may be going with her, but I won't buy anything. I'll go just for the bonding. I let out a sigh. "Fine," I mumble with a smile. She pulls me into an excited hug. She pulls away. "For now, I've left pajamas on your bed. Go take a shower tonight, freshen up. I'll have an outfit waiting for you tomorrow, then we'll be off." Before I have a chance to answer, she's already closing my door. I let out a long sigh. I look on the bed and grab the pajamas she had left. I open the three doors in my room before I finally find the bathroom. I undress myself and get into the shower. The first thing I do is sit at the bottom of the tub, letting the warm water relax my muscles.

Now that I've moved here do I have to go to a new high school? Am I ever going to see Gunner again? I haven't really made any friends back there so I don't have to worry about people missing me. Gunner was my only friend. We met in kindergarten and were best friends since. One sophomore night we were having a sleepover, we were snuggled up together watching a sad movie. Long story short we ended up kissing. He was my first everything. Gunner is the most important person in my life, next to my dad of course.

I can't just leave him behind like this. He means too much. I shake my head clearing my thoughts. I just need a nice shower and a good night's sleep.

Author's comments

Please read this!!!!

Yeah, so hey. Real quick, my updates are usually four-thousand words. But because it's the beginning of the story, the first few updates are going to be two-thousand words. I need something to build off of. So once the plot is set, these will get longer I promise.

Oh, there won't be many 'author's comments' so don't worry. This is my third story. In the middle of writing a story before this, I got really bored and had this new idea. So, now here I am. Hope you enjoy this!

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