"OH HELL NO!!" I shouted, backing straight into the arms of one of the ogern bringing up the rear. He gripped my arms and shoved me forward. I snarled as I stumbled, then twisted my whole body around to wrench free! My fists came up as I dropped into a half crouch on the balls of my feet! I was ready to fight like hell and make another run for it, but then the sylvanni who'd accompanied us into the room spoke up.

"Adrian, peace. Please," she stated, holding one hand up to me and the other to the three ogern who'd also taken fighting stances. Two had drawn short, stiff-looking batons and the other was crouched with his open hands held in front of him and his eyes emitting a dull, ruddy glow. That sight was what really made me hesitate. I didn't know the ogern had magic too. I was reluctant to fight someone who'd gone straight to those powers in a combat situation. I turned to face the sylvanni.

"I am not sitting in that thing!" I spat, jabbing a finger behind me. She made a show of turning her head to look past me for a moment.

"If you can exercise self-control and remain cooperative, you needn't concern yourself with that. Did you not notice the table and benches right here?" In fact, I hadn't noticed the narrow wooden table with cushioned benches until she gestured to them. I glared at her suspiciously, but I unclenched my fists, straightened up, and sank back onto my heels.

"So what's with the fancy torture chair then?"

"Obviously, I took the precaution of having restraints ready should you threaten the Speaker or prove especially unruly. Will you force me to resort to that kind of unpleasantness?" I took a deep breath and tried to release most of the tension in my body with the exhale.

No reason to fight right now. No point to it either with this collar thing on. It did surprise me that the sylvan woman had even bothered to talk me down when she could just turn me into a compliant simpleton instead. Why the reluctance? More special treatment? That thought only further befouled my poor mood, but I took my seat at the table without another word. She sat down across from me and folded her hands in front of her.

We studied each other. She was pale and had long, straight silver hair and dark grey eyes just a shade or two lighter than the black of her pupils. She was wearing a white robe styled like Os'tarell's, but without the scripted trimmings and excess finery. She was very slight, to the point where it looked unhealthy, and her narrow features made her ears all the more prominent. The tips extended almost to the top of her head, and they twitched and moved independently, not unlike a cat's. The overall effect was unsettling, almost disturbing. She continued to passively watch me, and I let it go on for several long uncomfortable minutes before deciding to break the silence.

"Are we waiting for your Speaker?" She pursed her lips, then replied.

"Not... precisely." I noticed then that her voice sounded cracked and scratchy, like she hadn't used it in a long time. She took a breath and continued. "I should say that we were waiting for Speaker Os'tarell, but he has just been waylaid by another critical matter. I've been instructed to proceed on my own." My heart lurched, and I had to stop myself from jumping back to my feet. I glanced around at the ogern guards standing at attention and swallowed against the band around my throat. Fuck it. I can try anyway if this sounds bad. So I asked the obvious question.

"Proceed with what, exactly? Why did you bring me here?"

The sylvanni took another breath before replying. A pained grimace crept across her face as she spoke. "I am to conduct a follow-up on the Speaker's findings from his own examination earlier today. Specifically, I have questions for you about the nature and purpose of your transfigurations. There are a few simple tests I'll need to conduct with you, and of course, I will examine the remnants of the actual transfiguration spell."

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