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Luke’s POV

We walked up closer to the crowd, getting a better view of what all was going on.

It had a happy feeling. There was colorful smoke and people on other people’s shoulders. People had glowstick necklaces and that glow and the dark paint stuff on them.

Alex looked up at me, grinning. She nodded towards a less crowded area and gently tugged on my arm, leading me through the people.

We finally got up right by the stage and instead of just listening, she took me off to the side and led me behind the big stage where there were some trucks and a few tents. There were people who I had guessed were band members and people who probably dealt with the arrangement of the concert.

She was greeted with a bear hug from a tall boy—even taller than me—and a short blonde girl. Turns out the tall boy, Kyle, was her cousin. Also, he didn’t just attend, he was some sort of manager dude that basically put most of it together.

Kyle was about 6’7, three inches taller than me. He had sort of shaggy brown hair and a big smile.

Lily Marie—or Marie for short—was the short blonde girl that had been glued to Kyle’s side. She was extremely happy and giggly. She had long platinum blonde hair and pretty blue eyes. She was Kyle’s girlfriend.

There were lots of sloppy drunk people covered in a ton of glitter that insisted on giving hugs to everyone and then clinging to me, their arm constantly slung over my shoulders. They were a bit too touchy-feely for my taste, but that’s okay.

There were some pretty good bands there and a few people I had liked. The afterparty was where things actually happened though.

So we went to a house outside of city limits, right by a lake. Kinda cliche, but it wasn’t my ideal spot. Plus, it wasn’t the typical bonfire after party you would usually find in a house by a lake. Sure, there was a bonfire, but there was an immense amount of drugs. Like no joke, I got offered acid like seven times.

There was also a handful of people skinny dipping and having intense make out sessions, but no one getting too far in front of everyone. Or at least not too far to them.

By about midnight, Alex had decided to start sobering up and told me I could drink. Her being tipsy clouded her mind as she went back and forth on whether I should drink or not.

"Well, uh, maybe not? Because I don't want anything to happen. Like, um, y'know, your parents could find out or you could do something really dumb and I don't, uh, want you to do that."

"Yeah... I don't know."

Before she could respond and argue with herself once again, Kyle dragged me over to some stoner friends surrounding a big willow tree. They offered me weed and I turned them down but I sat with them for a bit and they ended up convincing me to have a drink that I wasn't familiar with. By the time I finished seconds of the liquid in the plastic red cup, I was wasted.

I’ve only been drunk twice before but I know I’m a bipolar drunk. Poor Alex.

I got lost inside the somewhat dark, colorful house. People were all over each other and you could practically feel the humidity from all of the sweat drenching drunken bodies.

chaos || l.h. (REWRITING)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora