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-Y/n's POV-

Mark and I were cuddling on the bed. He had his arms wrapped around my waist while my head rested on his chest. "I love you so much y/n" Mark said. "I love yo-" The door knocked. Mark sat up and glanced at me. I was about to get it when Mark told me to stay. I crawled to the end of the bed and watched as Mark opened the door. A man stood there. I spotted a shiny thing in his hand. Mark did too because he immediately shut the door. Or tried to at least. The man fought back. I stood up and raced to help Mark. "No y/n! You need to get outta here!" Mark yelled.

"I have to help you!" I yelled pushing against the door. Mark grabbed my shoulder and shoved me away. I landed on my butt and watched as the man broke free. Mark stumbled back and fought the man. I crawled up to my feet and backed away. My heart was thumping rapidly. My back pressed against the glass slide door. I opened it and held on to the railing. I was on the third floor. I drop from here wouldn't be...that bad..I hope.

"Yyyyyy/nnnn..." My skin formed goosebumps as I heard someone drag my name. Not just someone...him... I turned around and saw Thompson holding a pistol to Mark's head. A lump started to form in mu throat. My hands held the railing tightly. "Leave him alone Thompson!" I stated as my body shook. Thompson's gray eyes pierced through my soul. "I'll leave him alone..if you come with me. I still have a friend of mine who still needs you" he said with a sly smile.

I opened my mouth to object but I watched as Thompson pressed the barrel closer to Mark's temple. "I...I..." "Don't do it y/n!" Mark yelled. "Shut up!" Thompson rammed the base of the pistol to Mark's head. Mark yelped in pain and hung his head. I rose a hand out and stopped when Thompson rose the gun to point at me. "Come on y/n. You were ment to be sold off as entertainment." I shook my head. "N-no I'm not! I don't want to be sold to perverted guys!"

Thompson growled and shot Mark in the leg. Mark screamed and dropped to his knees. I screamed as well but kept my grip on the railing. "You don't have a choice! Now get away from the railing and come with me" snapped Thompson. "What happened to the man I used to know?! The one who would sing karaoke at all the parties and beat my dad at foosball?" "I found a way to make more money" he said with a shrug.

I glanced at Mark. His head hung low and blood was pouring from his leg. God....this can't be real. "You're a monster!" I snapped. "Hey!" Thompson aimed the gun at me. "Don't talk to old people like that!" I glared at him. "Now get a move on or.." He moved the gun to Mark's head. "Don't...y/n" Mark said. Thompson growled in anger. "I said to shut up!" Thompson swung to hit Mark but Mark stood up and grabbed the wrist holding the gun.

My eyes widened as I watched the men fight. Mark held a death grip on the wrist with a gun. Thompson punched Mark in the gut and kicked his jaw. Mark gasped and Thompson threw Mark on the bed. Mark bounced and rolled off. He thumped to the ground and groaned. Thompson turned and raced to me. I yelped and tried to jump off but I was grabbed from behind. I screamed and gripped on to the railing. "Let go you ignorant stupid girl!" Thompson spat. "Never!" I snapped. I turned around and saw Mark jump on Thompson's back.

Thompson cussed and shoved Mark off of him. Mark stumbled on his feet and stood up. In slow motion, I watched Thompson raise the gun and pull the trigger. "No!" I screamed. I watched as the bullet exploded out of the barrel and in to Mark's chest. Mark's brown eyes widened and he dropped to the floor. Anger burned through me. I charged him. I pinned him on the ground and punched him over and over. Thompson spat blood out of his mouth and gasped. "Stop! Y/n stop please!" I kept punching and punching him. I spotted the gun in his hand and pulled it out. I aimed it at Thompson's head.

"Wait y/n no-" I pulled the trigger. Thompson dropped dead. I got off of him and dropped the gun. "Mark!" I raced over and knelt next to him. A pool of blood was already by his chest. I started to cry. I grabbed his hand and reached for my phone on the desk. "911 what's your emergency?" "My boyfriend has been shot and I need help please!" I said. "Okay miss, an ambulance is on their way" the operator said. "Y/n..." I dropped my phone when Mark called my name. "Mark! Yes Mark?" Mark rose his hand and rested it on my cheek. "I love you...so much.." His warm brown eyes suddenly drifted off from me to nothing. His head banged on the floor and his hand dropped on my lap, lifeless.

"No..Mark? Mark?! No don't do this to me!" I cried out. I kept my hand holding Mark's cold ones. Tears dripped from my face to Mark's bloody shirt. This can't be real. Mark...please don't leave me here alone. You have so many people who look up to you. Please..your friends need you, your family needs you, your fans need you...I need you. No matter how many times I prayed, he never came back.

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