The One With Davenport Trivia

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-The Davenport's-
Delta's POV:

I was sitting on the couch with Adam, Bree, Leo, and Chase, when Zadie walked in, just getting home from school.

"How was detention?" Chase asked her.

"I don't wanna talk about it." She said, going over to the Davenport's fridge.

"Don't bother. We're out of cheese puffs." Leo stated from the couch.

"Ugh." Zadie pouted, walking over and squeezing herself in between Chase and Leo to make room on the couch. Yeah, they really need a bigger couch. "How'd you even know that's what I was going to get anyway?"

"Please, you're so predictable even Adam would've known that." Leo scoffed.

"I am not predictable. Tell them, Del."

I shrugged, not really knowing what to say. "I mean..."

"Wha-? I can't believe you guys think I'm predictable." Zadie sat up straight on the couch, looking at Leo.

"Yeah, and for twenty bucks I'll tell you what's in your backpack." Leo smiled.

Zadie laughed. "Oh, alright, you're on." She shook his hand.

"Chase, if you will." Leo said, handing her backpack to Chase, not breaking eye contact with Zadie. "If you open her bag you will see a half eaten bag of white chocolate covered pretzels, two binders full of doodles and notes to Bree, a Dunkin' Donuts gift card, a few broken mechanical pencils...and her glasses-just in case she loses her contacts." Oh my gosh, Leo got everything that was in the bag. I mean he was spot on.

"Oh, okay, Mr. Creepy, but just because you knew what was in my bag doesn't mean you know everything about me."

"Please." Leo scoffed. "I know way more about you and Delta than you would be comfortable with."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Since when did I come into this?" I asked, but just to have my question ignored.

"Oh, as if." Zadie scoffed as well. "I bet Delta and I know way more about you than you know about us."

"Ha, aw sweetie. Adam knows more about you two than you know about us."

"Yeah." Adam agreed, before turning to Leo. "What do we know about them?"

Leo rolled his eyes and went on to make a bet. "Alright, if you think you know so much about us, then why don't we have a little contest to see who knows the other one better? Girls versus boys."

"You're so on." Zadie stood up.

"I'm in." I also stood up.

"Let's do this." Adam agreed.

"Whoa, whoa, guys, hold up. We need someone to make the questions." I realized.

"How about Chase? I mean, he has super smarts so if he was on the guys team, it would be unfair." Zadie offered.

"Then the girls would have an extra player and plus, Chase's smarts wouldn't count because these aren't facts, it's questions about each other." Leo told her.

"Yeah, but he has that creepy database thing." Zadie reminded, crossing her arms. Chase threw his arms up halfway, causing Zadie to turn to look at him and hug his arm. "No offense."

"How about Chase doesn't use his bionics? He can do that; right, Chase?" Adam asked, obviously winking-meaning Chase could use his bionics and let us find out.

"Fine, I won't use my bionics." He stated.

"Nice one. Now they won't suspect a thing." Adam cheekily smiled.

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