Chapter 15

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Searching for Alex wasn't that hard. Mr. Stark had built tracking devices in our suits, that way we could find and contact each other. But Alex wasn't wearing her suit. So I had to get out Droney and we searched for her tag-team style. I stopped in front of some old crumbling building. I peeked around the corner and I saw them. Alex was tied up to a fallen beam. They were talking. I turned up the audio enhancer on Droney.

"What do you want?" I heard Alex ask.

"Revenge," She responded.

"From who? What did we ever do to you?"

"Your boyfriend killed my brother, the last family I had." That didn't make any sense, I never killed anyone.

"Peter would never kill anyone."

"That's where you're wrong, Alex. My brother died in that attack on the bank. The one Peter tried to stop. If he had just kept his nose out of it, he would still be alive!" Shock slapped me across the face when I heard this. I- I had never thought of that...

"So what are you going to do? Kill him?"

"No, I'm going to put him through so much pain that he will want to die. But I won't kill him."

Alex dropped her head, "The worst kind of torture, you're going to kill me."

"Not just you, Tony, Ned, MJ, everyone he loves. He will finally feel what I've felt for so long."

"Who are you?" Alex asked. I watched as she slowly lifted her hand to her face and and pulled the cloth away from her face.

"My name is Erika. I lived in an orphanage with my brother, Luka. Until my so-called mother kidnapped me, taking me with her. Then Luka finally found me and got her arrested. But he left too, when my mother was reportedly dead in prison he went crazy. She commited suicide and he fell into a life of crime. Then he died in the attack on the bank. And I was alone yet again. When Thanos snapped, I died too. I was trapped in the soul stone, like everyone else. Thanos told me all about you guys and the revenge I would finally get after you defeated him." She moved closer to Alex. I wanted to find out more but I couldn't let her get hurt. I watched for few more seconds before Alex let out a scream. That was the breaking point of me. I ran through the fallen wall. The Violet Assassin whirled around. She smirked at me.

"Hello, Peter. Glad you could join us." I looked behind her, trying to see if Alex was okay. She had a nasty cut along her cheek. She spat blood from her mouth and gave a deep cough.

"Alex!" My heart broke at the sight. I tried walking towards her The Violet Assassin, well, Erika, stood in my way.

I gritted my teeth, "Stop, you're brother made his own choice. I'm sorry he died. But don't make the same mistake he did." Suddenly she let out a screech. He screams echoed through the building. When she stopped, she collapsed to the ground. On her hands and knees, she cried.

"I don't want to," She choked on her sobs, shaking.

"What?" I asked, genuinely confused.

"He-he's inside of me... " This freaked me out. I looked to Alex to see if she knew what Erika was talking about. She didn't look at me, she was still dazed, focused on the ground. I looked back at Erika.

"Get out," She started saying, rocking back and forth on her heels. "Get out, get out. Get out!" She screamed again. Then she stood up, as if nothing had happened at all. She looked past me and started walking towards Alex. Well, I wasn't going to let that happen again. As she pulled her arm up to beat Alex again I shot my webs. I pulled her backwards as she stumbled. She turned around, anger riddled on her face, and she let out an energy blast. I saw it coming and jumped to the side. I didn't want to hurt her, she didn't sound... right. But I had to keep her away from Alex. We played cat and mouse for a few minutes. I jumped from rafter to rafter, while she tried to hit me with her blue energy orbs. I was doing okay but she was getting angrier and angrier and shot stuff at me faster. My spidey-sense was becoming more and more disoriented. I couldn't keep this up much longer. I dodged a bit more, my breathing became heavy. As I landed on another beam, I slipped. I fell on my back, a loud grunt escaping my lips. The wind was knocked out of me. I groaned as I rolled over to my side, only to face a pair of grey boots. I slowly sat up, my vision was blurred. She bent over and grabbed a section of my suit, pulling me up. Without a word she blasted more of her harmful energy at me. I screamed, the pain became unbearable, but she kept going. Heat spread through me like wildfire. Oh god it was hot. Burning. Like being electrocuted and set on fire all at once. My throat was ripping apart from the screaming. She didn't stop, and it was killing me. Alex was sobbing my name but I couldn't do anything. I was dying.

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