Chapter 3

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1 Year Later.

It was a year before Tony and Steve found a way to kill Thanos. We were on a jet flying straight to him now. I was scared, so what if the Infinity Gauntlet was broken, this is the man that killed half of the population, Peter included.

¨Hey, Lex, you okay?¨ Tony asked me.

¨Yeah, I'm fine.¨ No, I wasn't, what if we didn't beat him and we couldn't save Peter, let alone countless others?

¨We will save them, Alex.¨ Tony saw straight through me.

¨That's what you said last time, Tony.¨

¨Alex... ¨ He started.

¨No, stop. I'm fine. Let's just get this over with,¨ I interrupted.

¨Sure,¨ He said, turning away looking hurt. I sighed, that wasn't supposed to happen. I was just so upset over everything.

¨Let's go, guys,¨ Steve yelled to everyone. And with that we walked out of the ship and onto the planet Titan. My emotions started going crazy just by being in the same place he died.

¨Tony... Peter, he-¨

¨I know, kid. I know.¨ He rubbed my back in order to comfort me. I shrugged my thoughts off. We were going to get them back, I just needed to be patient. We had found a way to kill Thanos after all. And that was already half the battle. I took a deep breath to prepare myself for the hard fight that was to come.

¨I'm good, Mr. Stark,¨ I say softly to him while he gave me a concerned look.

¨Really, I am.¨ I smile at him to prove this.

¨Okay,¨ He said. His mask formed over his face, this meant everything was about to start. I prepared myself as well and that's when I saw him, Thanos. He walked out from a crumbling building, his destroyed Infinity Gauntlet in hand. You could tell he was trying to look menacing but something was off on his face. He almost looked... sad. As if he regretted murdering millions. Just then the fighting broke out, no words said. Tony charged straight forward, aiming his fist right at Thanos' head. The rest of the Avengers were running right behind him.I was so caught up in the moment that I forgot to move. This was exactly the kind of think Peter would have geeked out over. Half of the Avengers were keeping Thanos at bay, while the others was attempting to get the Gauntlet out of grip. I joined the fight side by side with Tony. I uncoiled blue electric ropes from my hands, making an attempt to hold the mad titan back. Tony started aggressively punching Thanos in the face to let all of his anger out. Well, I could understand his frustration. Thanos had killed the person he cared for the most. He was beating the crap out Thanos. It was great that he was weakening him but this wasn't a part of the plan.

¨Tony! Stick to the plan!¨ I grunted as my shoes started slipping on the gravel. Tony looked up for only a second, but a second was all the titan needed. Thanos regained his thoughts and pulled on my electric ropes, sending me flying through the air and over his head. I crashed into a pile of broken cinder blocks, the blow breaking at least a few ribs. I let out a loud and ugly groan. Blood trickled down the back of my neck, soaking through the collar of my shirt. I saw Natasha come up and take her number on Thanos. She hit him with a series of powerful blows, which only left Thanos dazed and confused. Eventually, Thanos grabbed her and started flinging her all around until he finally tossed her into a nearby building. I decided to get up, which resulted in a series of yelps, not to mention the vomiting. I limped my way over to Thanos.

¨Back so soon, are you?¨ Thanos taunted.

¨Until I die,¨ I spat at him. I promised myself he would suffer, and I don't break promises.

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