Chapter 11

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Happy drove Peter and I to school in the morning. I was so excited last night that I barely slept. It didn't even cross my mind that I'd have to get up earlier too. So, there I sat in the back of a car at 7:43, driving to high school. I was still half asleep on Peter's shoulder when we arrived.

¨Alex? We're here,¨ Peter said softly.

¨I know. I'm hoping if I fall back asleep this will be over,¨ I sighed.

¨C'mon... ¨He poked my cheek.

¨Okay,¨ I groaned and got out. Peter joined me at the sidewalk and held my hand as Happy drove away.

¨You ready for this?¨ He looked down at me.

¨How can anyone be ready for this?¨ I let out a nervous laugh.

¨Fair point. You'll love it, c'mon.¨ Peter tugged me through the doors and led me to the office to get my schedule. Peter and I had most of our classes together since he was one of the only people I knew. Peter took me to our homeroom. I introduced myself to the teacher, Mrs. Bass, she showed me my locker and gave me the combination.

¨Peter?¨ I looked over to him, worried. He looked at me and I stared back and the slip of paper in my hand.

¨I don't know how-¨

¨Here,¨ He said flatly, holding out his hand.

¨I... ¨ I sighed and handed him the piece of paper, swallowing my embarrassment, It was Peter for god's sake. I stepped to the side and let him show me how to open the locker. After a few seconds Peter stepped away and presented a opened, empty, boring locker.

¨Thanks... ¨ I mumbled and started shoving my crap in.

¨No problem, it'll get easier as time goes on. I promise.¨ I let out a shaky breath and finished putting my stuff away. I followed Peter to our first class, English. Peter held the door open for me as I walked in. People stared at me... like I was some fancy new toy.

¨Class! We have a new student, Aleksandra! Please come up to the front,¨ The teacher requested.

¨I-uh.¨ I looked over to Peter, who was pulling the door shut behind us.

¨It's okay, you got this,¨ he whispered into my ear. I slowly shuffled myself up to the front of the classroom, while Peter took his seat.

¨Now, Aleksandra, would you like your name to be shortened? Alexis? Sandy?¨

¨I-um, no, Alex is fine,¨ I mumbled, uncomfortable. I looked to the ground, suddenly really interested in my shoes.

¨Okay, well. Does anyone have a question for Alex?¨ She waited.

¨Ah, yes... Jacob,¨ She said as I looked up and saw a boy with his hand up. He was dressed in a T-shirt and basketball shorts.

¨Where are ya from?¨ He asked.

¨I-uh.¨ I looked over to Peter, wondering what to say. I've lived in New York for a good four years, but I had lived in Sokovia for the rest of my life. Peter nodded, reassuring me on.

¨Uh, Sokovia.¨ I snapped my head back to the boy

¨Wait, Sokovia? Did you move here because of the explosions?¨ Someone else questioned.

¨Derek!¨ The teacher gasped.

¨I-um... ¨ I looked over to Peter again, a nervous sweat started forming in my hands.

¨Did you meet the Avengers?¨

¨Were you in the explosion?¨

¨Are your parents dead? Is that why you came here with Parker?¨ The classroom exploded with questions. Personal ones too, ones I didn't know how to answer. I looked around, it was like my head was on a swivel top.

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