Still Here

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Authors note, this chapter is going to contain scenes of extreme violence. Viewer discretion is strongly advised. Seriously when you see the bolded words in brackets that is your warning. The rest of it is NOT for the faint of heart and definitely not for the squeamish. There is torture in this chapter and there will be more in the next chapter as well. If you think that any of the previous chapters were graphic, then this one is to the point of being NSFW on how gory it gets. You have been warned, now on with the chapter!

-Time Skip-
-Dust's PoV-

It had been maybe a week or two since C0de had been brought to the castle. According to Killer, he would beg for anyone to talk to him or for someone to get rid of the silence whenever he could see someone. Eventually however he began to go quiet, even Killer started to get unnerved by the way C0de just sat there in the quiet with this distant expression.

Today would be the first day that someone other than Killer was to bring him food and water. I was picked because Horror still wouldn't go near the guy. Killer had to go on a mission so that left me to do it.

I was carrying some simple oatmeal and water with me towards his cell, but as I got closer I could hear someone talking. Staying silent I crept forwards to hear better, heck I could even look into his cell without him seeing me.

C0de for the first time in days had his head lifted, looking off towards one side of the room that was completely empty.

Then I focused to hear what he was saying.

"Papyrus... I'm sorry bro... I didn't mean to... to fail you... to fail everyone." He said softly.

A twinge of sympathy echoed in my soul, I still see my own bro sometimes, so hearing what it was like for another person to be experiencing the same sort of hallucinations was making me feel bad for him.

"Bro... please... I... I'm scared... I can't take the quiet... please say something... please... I... please... n-no, don't go. Don't leave me alone again!" C0de suddenly cried out, I could see the tears rolling down his face now, his body shaking with sobs and mumbled pleas.

I felt a knot in my non-existent stomach, wanting to somehow help him, comfort him so he didn't have to deal with what I had to go through. But I knew that doing anything would go against Nightmares orders.

A sudden chill overcame me and I froze up, unable to move as fear gripped me. Nightmare stepped beside me, watching C0de by my side and smirking.

"Perfect.... just what I wanted." His chilling voice gave off an unnerving sensation.

He turned his head to me and stared me down with that icy blue eye making me tense up with terror. A frigid smirk played over his expression as he placed a hand on my shoulder.

"You weren't thinking of trying to speak with him him where you?" He asked, his grip on my shoulder becoming painfully hard, I was surprised he didn't crack the bone.

"N-no sir." I breathed out, barely able to stay standing.

He nodded, releasing me so quickly that I almost fell back from him. "Good.... I will take care of him now.... return to your normal duties and do not disturb me.... unless you seek a similar punishment?" The way he spoke would make any normal person cry in fear. I only nodded, walking away with a stiff stride.

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