Aizen took the necklace from the former Otsutsuki and raised an eyebrow. "And what is this?"


Aizen narrowed his eyes. "For what?"

Indra smirked. "Just in case if something happened to you."

"Hm. Why did you give me this if I may ask?"

"Let's just say if you died the world would be boring. You are the smartest of these simpletons after all." Indra said before disappearing.

Aizen looked at the necklace in his hand and put it around his neck and started walking to his office. Interesting.


Inside Aizen's Office

"What did that person want to speak to you about?" Gin said as he looked at Aizen who seemed to be in deep thought.

"Hm? It was about Miss Kuchiki's sentence." Aizen said.



With Ganju and Yumichika

"Th-That can't be!" Yumichika gasped in surprise as he heard about Ikaku's defeat. "Our Squad 11 is the best combat unit of the 13 Court Guard Squads! Ikkaku is our 3rd best fighter! How could he defeat him?!"

While Yumichika was talking, Ganju took out his dynamite and lit it up and quickly dodged to the left avoiding the blast.

"Seems your only strong suit is finding cheap diversions!"

"You ain't seen nothing yet! Shiba-Style Shooting Flower! Senpen Banka!" Ganju shouted before throwing a few ball-like dynamites.

Yumichika clicked his tongue and sliced the dynamites in half by using his Zanpakuto. "Don't underestimate me! You call that a skill?!" He gasped in surprise when a scratch appeared on his face. "How dare you do this to my face!"

"Hah! Maybe now with that little scar on your face, you look more like a man!"


Kamui Dimension

Indra looked at the two with twitching eyebrows. 

"Master Indra are these the so-called Soul Reapers." Kodzuchi said with twitching eyebrows.

"Hn." Indra said.

"Humph, they don't act like ones. They act more like simpletons." Hyakki Yagyo said.

Indra chuckled. "Hn true. That Soul Reaper is mostly worried about his precious face, not the intruder." Indra scowled.  "Looking at the Soul Reapers I met so far, I am not impressed. Well except Aizen." 


With Yachiro and Kenpachi

Yachiro looked towards the blast. "Oh, so they're close!" she said cheerfully but then frowned. "But it's not this way, is it? Since it's a dead end." She said as they now stood in front of another dead-end. "Shouldn't we have turned right at the last corner?"

"You're the one who said to come this way!" Kenpachi retorted in annoyance.

"Oh, Kenny! You shouldn't blame others! Wasn't I close? There, go there!" Yachiro said.

Kenpachi punched the wall in annoyance, and it made a big hole to the other side. "This way, right?"


Uryu and Orihime looked at where Yachiro and Kenpachi were standing.

"They're gone, aren't they?" Orihime said quietly.

Book 1: Indra's Return ✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن