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   They all turned towards the voice, there was a skinny blonde girl standing with her hand on her hip and a scowl on her face.

  " You dump me for your 'mate'" she started, using air quotes " and the bitch doesn't even know shes mates with you"

    Aries stayed quiet she didn't think it was her business until she put two and two together and realized she was referring to her.

   "Watch your mouth Veronica." William tried his hardest not to choke the girl out. No one talks about his mate like that. It's not her fault she's human, "you speak to and or about her with respect" William finished jaw clenched, but overall posture relax.

    Aries stayed quiet, while she took in the girl in front of her. She was around her height maybe a tad taller, she had blonde hair and green/blue eyes similar to Williams.
    The girls caught eyes, "what?" Veronica snapped rudely.

    Now, Aries has herself a temper but she held on to the last bit of composure she had left and turned back around in her chair.

    Most of the seats were now occupied, Aries smiled at them politly, they all nodded back.

    The tension in the room was high as William and Veronica went back and forth, about Aries.

    The only thing you heard was them bickering and a few growls here and there that caught Aries by surprise. Whats wrong with these people?

     The little bit of patience she had left was widdling away, the girl called her every name in the book. The only thing keeping him from jumping on her was Aries hand the rested on his shoulder.

    " Why don't you just get the fuck out bruh" Aries commented, loud enough for everyone to here. Veronica looked at her with hatred in her eyes. She started walking closer to where Aries was, instinctively she stood up her chair falling from beneath her landing on the ground with a loud thud.

   "You need to mind your business" Veronica spat looking down at the slightly shorter woman.

" You need to back up, yo'  breath bout to burn my eyelashes off" Aries leaned her neck back and curled her lip, making a few of the still seated snicker.

   Veronica mushed Aries's head back, like clockwork her hand reeled back punching the girl dead in her mouth, causing her to stumble a bit.

     Aries took this time to uppercut the blonde knocking her off her feet. Straddling Veronica, Aries knees pushing her arms down while punched and scratched. Her knuckles bruised and Bloody.

    Strong arms wrapped around Aries's waist lifting her up, Veronica's hair still clenched in one fist while the other continued to throw punches in an attempt to hit the female some more.

     " Let her go, LET HER GO!" William said sternly, pulling Aries who wouldn't let the girl go. Causing William to drag both women across the floor in attempts to break up the fight.

     Jordan , William's beta, was dying of laughter along with William's parents and siblings. But quickly went to help break up the fight. When they finally got Aries off, Veronica charged again earning a kick to the face that knocked her lights out.

    The room fell quiet, the only thing that could be heard was Aries heavy breathing. Then the room broke out in laughter.

   Not a few giggles here and there, this was stomach clenching, tear inducing laughter. Coming from William's two sisters and his mother.

    " She whooped her ass," Will's mother said causing the women to laughter harder.

    William's arms were still wrapped around Aries's waist, his face in her neck as he whispered, 'calm down's and 'its okays' her ear.
    After a few minutes of the maids waking up and throwing Veronica out. The group went back to breakfast.

   " Aries" William started " this is my mother and father, Megan and Maurice Paul." He informed her gesturing towards them.
     "These two girls, are my sisters, Lilac and Lizzy" he then pointed at a set of twins that looked to be mixed race. Maybe they're adopted?.

   " This is Jordan, Elijah, and Jasmine. My other siblings." He started nodding in their direction while stuffing a peice of bacon in his mouth.

   "And those two guys are James and Chris. Jordan and Jasmine's mat- boyfriends?"  He stated although it came off as more of a question.

"Hi," Aries wasn't much of a people person so her greeting was a little dry.
  She took in his family, he had alot of siblings. Some obviously adopted, seeing as how they were various different races.

" I don't mean to be rude but," Aries paused not knowing how to word her next question, " why am I here?"

   The group looked between each other for a while, before Megan spoke.

  "Do you believe in the supernatural?"

Heyyyyy it's me the writer, Soo sorry if this chapter is kinda all over the place 😬 

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