“LiLi!” I cry before throwing my arms around his neck. I hear him sniffle.

“Love you baby girl,” he says before he lets me go.

“Love you too,” I choke out.

Then there’s Niall.

This is the part where I break down.

I Jump into his arms and he holds me.

“It’s okay, we’ve gone long times apart, we can do it again. Tell mum and dad I say hi. I love you Paige.” he says and I can tell he’s crying. I stay in his arms for a long time until I finally pull away and sniffle. Then beside is Harry. Patient Harry. I walk up to him and he crashes his lips into mine. I kiss back for what feels like eternity until he just holds me.

“I love you. Text, Skype, call, every day,” he says and I nod into his shoulder.

“I love you too,” I say before he kisses my forehead. I sigh, pick up my suitcases, and Lou and I walk out he door without looking back at them.


“Well, I guess this is it,” Louis sighs.

“For now,” I say. He swallows me into a hug and I hold him back.

“You’re my best friend,” I say sniffling.

“You’re mine...” he says and I see him start to cry.

“I’ll text you!” I yell, walking away.

“I’ll reply!” he yells back.

Now I wait.

“Flight 815 to Mullingar is now boarding.” Says the robotic voice.

I sigh and stand up. I go to pick up my bag but it isn’t there.


I turn around and see a hooded guy holding my suitcase. Now I’m thoroughly confused.

“Excuse me, Sir? That’s my bag....” I say. Without turning around, the man pulls down his hood to reveal his curly mop of brown hair.

“Sorry ma’am, but I’m gonna have to confiscate it,” a husky voice says, turning around.

I immediately run up to him and crash his lips into mine. He sets down the suitcase and grasps my waist spinning me around, not breaking the kiss.

“Last call for flight 815 to Mullingar.”

I pull away from Harry.

“What are you doing here? I have to go Harry...” I say.

“I talked to your mom. You’re staying. Permanently.” He takes my plane ticket out of my hand and rips it right in half. He then reaches into his sweater pocket and hides something in the palm of his hand.

“I love you, Paige. And that’s a promise I’m willing to keep for the rest of my life,” he says. He slips a ring onto my finger. The front is shaped like an infinity ring.

“I give myself to you, and only you. Sign the papers, package me up, and ship me off. I promise to be with you forever, with this promise ring.”

Tears slide down my cheeks and all I can think to say is,



I smile down a my 4 year old daughter, Darcy. She’s got Harry’s curls and my bright eyes. Harry sits beside me and kisses my cheek. He sets Darcy on his lap and bounces her up and down on his knee, making her laugh. I smile at what a great dad he is. I look down at my hand and see my engagement ring, my wedding ring, and on the same finger, my infinity ring. I haven’t taken it off for 5 years.

I live in London with Harry and Darcy. Our neighbours are none other than the 4 boys of One Direction. They’ve all got wives and families too. I couldn’t be happier with my life right now and I am in bliss.

The doorbell rings. There’s Nialler and his family.

“I’ll get it!” squeals Darcy as she rushes to the door. She pulls it open with her little hands. Harry and I get up to greet them.

“Hi! C’mon in!” I say. Niall walks in and gives me a kiss on the cheek. Then Izzy walks in with Amelie in her arms.

“Hey Izzy!” I say and she gives me a one armed hug.

“Paige! Amelie has been dying to see Darcy,” she says with a smile. They run off and play together. Niall gives Harry a hug and we all sit down. After a while of talking, we look and see Amelie and Darcy running around in the backyard holding hands. We all laugh and Niall says “I remember when me and you used to do that, Paige” He says with a smile.

I smile and sit back into the couch and close my eyes.

This is the life I had dreamed of. Who knew it would become a reality.

A/N: and so it is finally done. I have enjoyed writing this book a lot and hope that you have enjoyed it just as much as I have. I am now totally focused on my book, It's Called Love and I will be starting to write Brooklyn Horan soon. Please check out my other books if you have enjoyed this one.

I love you my dedicated fans thank you for all the reads and votes.

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