Chapter 12

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Harry kisses me quickly and I kiss back. Just enough to make me want more. We walk off the beach hand-in-hand until we reach the house. When we get home I walk over to Niall. "Thank you for helping with this Nialler, it means a lot to me that your okay with us dating." I say and wrap my arms around his neck. He kisses my cheek. "No problemo sista," I smile and all three of us go upstairs. I walk into my room where Harry follows me. I laugh.

"What do you think you're doing in here?" I ask, placing my hands on his chest. He doesn't answer but grabs my waist and runs us over to the bed and plops me down beside him. I laugh and peck his cheek. We lay on my bed, chatting and just being friends. I scroll through my Twitter and frown when I reach one.

 "@emma_ostilly: so excited to see my babe @harry_styles tomorrow xx"

 "What is it?" Harry asks, seeing my expression. I sigh.

 "Nothing," I mutter.

 "Oh okay," he says. It's weird of him to just drop it like that. He lunges over my bed and snatches the phone out of my hand. I scream and jump over, pinning him to the bed. He rolls his eyes at the phone before looking up at me. "I could get used to this," he waggles his eyebrows. I scoff. "Well don't," I say. He pulls me down so our faces are inches apart. He crashes his lips into mine and at first it's slow and gentle, but then it escalates into something rougher and more passionate. I tangle my hands in his hair and he softly bites my lip. We continue kissing.

 "WOAH! PORN GOING ON IN THE BEDROOM!" I get off Harry and turn around to see Louis, his hand covering his eyes. He bumps into the doorway before retreating into the hall. Oh Louis. Harry begins to play with my shirt. "Can I sleep here tonight?" I nod. He smiles and we lay on the bed, our fingers locked.

 I wake up and a pair of strong arms are wrapped around my waist. I turn around to face Harry, I kiss his nose. "Ready for today?" I ask. He sighs and mutters something I can't hear.

 We pile into the car for the interview. We're walking into the building and I have to fight every urge in me not to grab Harry's hand. They all believe in Hamma. I'm sitting backstage, laughing at all the boys being complete idiots. Then the subject I was avoiding so much comes out. "So, Harry, I understand you and Emma Ostilly are an item now," he puts on a smile. "How's it going?" The interviewer asks. "It's going great. She's great. We're great," the audience awws as a picture of them kissing comes up on the screen. But what they don't know is he was looking at me the whole time he said that. "Well, we have a surprise for you! Ladies and Gentlemen, Emma Ostilly!" Emma walks out.

Summer Love - Harry Styles FanfictionUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum