Final Note

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Wow, I haven't been on this account for a while and I get to come back to 14K. I can't thank you guys enough, you've made me feel amazing and seeing the great results is incredible. I'm sadened to inform you that I will no longer be using this account anymore. When I made it I had originally planned on not telling any of my friends but now a lot of them know and I'm okay with that but I want an account where no one knows who I am. I've created the new account and in fact I already have good feedback on a book I started to write using that account. If any of you (that I don't know) want to know the name of my account then please feel free to message me and I'll let you know. If you know me personally then I'm sorry but I can't tell you because I'd like to keep it private.

Again thank you all for the wonderful comments and messages I've received concerning this book and my others. You are all wonderful and I'm so glad I got to become friends with some of you. Thanks to everyone who voted on my books and helped spread the word about it. I love you all and I hope we can talk in the future and please keep spreadig the word about this book because I'll still come back every once in a while but I will no longer be updating the books.

Goodbye Loveliess xx

****Ignore the part about not using this account. I've come back and am using it once again. In fact, even started a new fanfic called Haze so if you want to check that out it'd be cool. 

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