09. sisters & ice cream

Start from the beginning

Noah laughed loudly over the phone. "Sorry Khloe, I can't remember a thing!"

I tilted my head. "Oh really?"

"Yeah!" Noah exclaimed. "As soon as I got to the party Josh grabbed me and we chugged like a whole bottle. I know... not one of my brightest moments." He paused for a second. "But what I do remember is Kiera bringing me upstairs so that I could rest in Josh's room." He suddenly gasped. "I didn't say anything stupid did I? Oh, and weirdly enough I remember you walking into the room... I think."

"I-I" I stumbled over my own words.

So, Noah didn't remember anything that actually happened. I personally had never been pissed out of my mind drunk before so I didn't know exactly how this worked. Was what happened between Kiera and Noah ever going to come back to him? I don't know. I quickly shook my head as I took a deep breath. "No! Noah you didn't say anything stupid. I just wanted to call to make sure you were okay."

I could tell that Noah was smiling. "Yeah, I'm okay. I mean, I feel like hell right now but I'm okay."

"Okay well I hope you feel better Noah, I have to go." I said softly before hanging up the phone. "Bye."

I'm pretty sure that this was a good thing though. Kiera obviously didn't have feelings for Noah, the same way he did for her which is unfortunate, but Noah doesn't remember what happened and that's probably how Kiera wanted it anyway. I knew she didn't want to make things awkward between them.

I was still confused as to why Kiera wasn't answering any of my calls or text messages though. Maybe I was being dumb and there was more to the story?

I shrugged my shoulders as I walked into the living room to watch TV with Alicia.

Kiera was my best friend so I wasn't too worried. I'll give her a day, and if she was still ignoring me I might just have to show up at her damn house.

✼ ✼ ✼

I had spent the next two hours with Alicia, laughing while we ate popcorn and talked about the little boys in her class she thought were nice.

I loved having a little sister. She was completely adorable.

The doorbell suddenly rang and I immediately jumped up onto my feet. Alicia looked up at me with confusion written all over her face. "What happened Khlo?" She asked her lips turning down into a pout.

"Luna is here." I clarified turning away from Alicia and directing my vision towards the front door. "I better go get that. You stay here."

Alicia shrugged her shoulders and turned back to watch the TV. I let out a huff of air as I walked towards the front door. There was no going back now, so I unlocked the door and pulled it open quickly.

Luna almost instantly wrapped her arms around my body tightly. "Khloe, hey!"

It hadn't been that long since I'd seen Luna, only a few months but she looked just as how I remembered.

Luna was tall with a slim built. She had long arms and long legs girls these days would kill for. We both had a lot of hair and it was very curly, but Luna always decided to straighten it basically everyday which made her hair extremely long and a little dead at the ends. Her light brown skin was glistening under the sun, and her hazel brown eyes were bright and happy. She looked beautiful as always.

"Hey!" I smiled wrapping my arms tighter around her body. "How are you?"

Luna slowly let go of my body. "I'm really good actually." She smiled brightly. "Happy to be back."

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