Posed to be in Love

Start from the beginning

I hand wear enough makeup that would cover the bruises on my face but won't look like I had any barely any on. It took about a hour alone to finish concealing my scars and bruises, I was satisfied.
August's homeboys was already here. They making all that damn noise for what reason... I don't fucking know!

 I finished getting dressed and was getting ready to leave

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I finished getting dressed and was getting ready to leave. Before I walked out I remembered that August doesn't like when I leave without kissing him bye. And the last thing I needed was him to be mad at me. I built up the courage to go in there.

The "Guys Lounge" at least that's what August and his groupies call it. It's has a huge flat screen tv mounted on one wall. With lounging chairs making a semi circle. I hate going in there because his perverted ass friends are always staring at me and whistling. But for the my safety.
I walk in and as usual August was in the middle talking about something. I walk in.
"Bae, I'm finna go," I say as he instantly wraps his arms around my waist.
"Oh so you leaving me already," he says kissing my neck. He already knows that I'm leaving sooo..
"Yeah, babe. Going out with the girls," I say as I feel his his left hand snake up my thigh.
"Immma miss you, Queen," he said still grazing my neck and his hands teased the material of my thongs. I cursed at myself as I became wet.
"August not right now," I whispered and he pushed the material and teased my clit. He said nothing but just continued. I tried to push him away, but I made no effect on him as he firmly gripped my waist.
"Cmon, let a nigga show them how to treat a woman," he laughed.
He then stuck his finger inside of me.
"Oh my god," I moaned burying my face in his chest. I again try to pull away but he tighten his grip. A tear fell down my face.

And his dumb ass friends did nothing but snicker. August began to pick up speed. I try to hold in another moan. I clawed his shoulders and chest as I felt an orgasm build up.
"Auggie, stop," my voice came out shaky.
"Damn Girl you wet as fuck," he smiled. He licked my neck which threw me into a powerful orgasm. Then I felt what I dreaded at this particular moment.

I was finna fucking cum.

I look up at August and he looked into my eyes and knew I about close to my release. He gave me a devilish grin. My eyes widen as I realized what he was planning on doing. Tears were rushing down my face.

"Don't," I gasped as he inserted another finger. Oh my god. My body couldn't handle it anymore, that was enough to make me erupt. His stupid as friends were at the edge of their seats. I was fichistes to find a couple of them rubbing themselves on their pants.
Then I came. My face grew bright red in embarrassment and humiliation. The his groupies gasp. I watched in horror as he caught most of my releasing and the rest trickled down my legs. Then he raised his hands to his face and took a long sip of my cum.

The next thing I did was slap the fuck outta him. His homeboys laughed at this.
"Fuck y'all," I screamed in embarrassment. But before I could leave, I felt a hand yank me back threw the door.

"What do you want, August," I screamed as tears fell down my face.
"Not to be a know-it-all but you said you wanted to fuck us," he said. I stared into his dark eyes. I tried not to cower at his gaze. This man was totally unbelievable.

"You know, damn well that was an insult, not an invite," I snapped.
"But you suggested it so I want you to do it," he said squeezing the fuck outta my wrist,
"So you think I wanna fuck all twelve of y'all,"I said as they nodded their heads," Hell nah, I'm finna go out." But surprisingly August let go. I cursed under my breath as I examined my bruised wrist. I'm sure not coming back.
"You better come back, or else the consequences are gonna be bad," August warned as if reading my mind. I searched his face but he remained blank.

Then I left, still crying. I fixed myself before I went into this bar. I walked in to see my friends sitting around a table. I plastered a fake smile, hoping the wouldn't tell that I cried the entire ride here.

"Girl, what took you so long," Cardi said hugging me.
"Oh I almost forgot," I lied. Then Ella leaned over and whispered in my ear," You're covering up them scars and you missed one. She pointed out one on my shoulder.
"Oh that's a hickey," I lied, faking a laugh.
"I'm not dumb."
"Please, I don't wanna talk about it."
Fuck August. I'm gonna act like I'm having good time. And Ella thinks she knows what she talking about. She don't know what kinda hell I've been experiencing.
I mean we supposed to be in love.

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