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(Malivore 1x05)

Rowan sits against the couch in the resturaunt, her leg bouncing nervously as she holds her phone against her ear

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Rowan sits against the couch in the resturaunt, her leg bouncing nervously as she holds her phone against her ear. In a fit of anxiety, she had dialed Hope's number for reassurance and here she sat, waiting for her girlfriend to answer the phone.

"What?" The tribid growls as a greeting.

"Um," Rowan winces at the Hope's tone. "Everything alright?"

"Rowan," Hope sighs in relief. "I didn't look at the Caller ID, sorry."

"No," the Night scans the resturaunt for her father and his guest he was bringing with him. "It's okay. Why are you so stressed? What's going on?"

"Landon-" she grumbles.

"Yeah?" His voice rings faintly in the background.

"I wasn't talking to you!" Hope snaps. "I was telling Rowan why I was upset,"

"What did I do?" He questions defensively.

"Other than making me want to strangle you, nothing!"

Rowan shakes her head, although Hope can't see her. "I thought you said you'd tolerate him,"

"Not killing him, is toletating him, Rowan."

"Well," the girl sits up straight as the door opens and two large men (who resemble big-foot and sasquatch) saunter in. "It looks like he just walked in, so I'll call you later."

"Yeah," Hope agrees. "Have fun."

"Fat chance," Rowan replies. "I'll be back soon."

"I know you will," the Mikaelson responds gently. "I love you,"

Rowan glances down at her lap with a blush, a shy smile gracing her lips. "I love you too,"

When the dial tone rings and Rowan has a few seconds to simmer in the fondness she has for Hope Mikaelson, a gruff and taunting voice speaks up.

"Puppy love, remember that, Sammy?"

Rowan looks up sharply at the green eyed man, narrowing her eyes at his smug smile. Her eyes glance to the taller man, who her father had called 'Sammy' and she tilts her head at the sympathetic look he gives her.

"You can, uh, you can sit down," she offers stiffly. The men do as told and the three of them glance between each other awkwardly. Rowan perks up when the waitress stalks over with a small smile.

"Hello," she greets. "I'm Lucy and I'll be your server. Can I start you off with some drinks?"

"Milkshake," Rowan blurts impulsively. Her cheeks redden as she recieves surprised look and she slumped down in her seat. "Please," she adds.

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