The Mostrel

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Who are the Mostrel?

The Mostrel are a feline race, though they stand upright.  While powerful, they are not as fast as one might think.  They vary in size, but typically 5'6" to 7" though some are taller (and shorter).  Depending on Pride, their armor varies: leather coverings, chain mail, plate armor, composites (they detest robots, androids, and nanites, thus no morphing armor) and sometimes no armor at all.

They prefer hand to hand engagements, seeking to conquer their foes.  They use daggers, short swords, axes, hammers, and on occasion, a glove fitted with Bolts (atypical).  They have a strong set of fangs and claws, and will use these in lieu of weapons many times. 

In the early years of the Imperial Age, they were enslaved by a another race.  After hundreds of years, they rose up, broke free, and destroyed their captors.  Then they began to subject other worlds and systems to themselves, they would never be slaves again.

They eventually subdued Imperial allies, and the great war began.  Here and there, they were stopped.  But eventually they would overpower or outsmart the Empire.  As soon as they broached the Ky Commonwealth, they were beaten smartly.  The Empire rewarded the Ky, and the Mostrel licked their wounds and schemed.  Over the next century, it was a turf war, with systems falling to the Mostrel, then being reclaimed by the Empire. Yet in 3206, the Mostrel made a huge gain, when they were employed to help usurp the Ky thrown. 

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