Red K Kara

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"Oh how I've missed this" said Kara as she rested her chin on Lena's shoulder, it was late and she was sitting on a chair on the L-Corp balcony with Lena on her lap.

"Me too darling" said Lena as she leaned further back into the blonde's embrace, causing her to wrap her arms around her even tighter, her cape wrapped around them both.

Their peaceful moment was interrupted with the ringing of Lena's office phone,

"I should get that" groaned Lena attempting to get up. Kara pulled her back down, keeping her in place.

"Kara, it's the third time it's rang, it could be important"

"No" replied the blonde sternly.

Lena turned her face to look back at the blonde in surprise, not use to this type of insolence from her girlfriend.

"Someone's a little possessive today" said Lena as she raised an eyebrow.

Kara tightened her hold on Lena and kissed her  neck furiously,

"You're mine, only mine, say it" groaned the hero.

Lena lips curved upwards, as much as she liked being in charge, she loved it when Kara took control.

"Mmmmmm.....only your's darling, forever" moaned the Luthor.

The phone continued to ring again, Kara pulled away from Lena and walked back into the office, Lena slowing pulled herself up from the chair when she saw the office phone float pass her and over the balcony.

Lena ran towards the edge and grasped the handle bar as she watched and heard the thump of the phone crashing and breaking against the concrete.

"There, now where were we?" Said Kara with a devilish grin.

Lena spun around her eyes wide open staring at the blonde in disbelief, she walked back into the office to stand in front of her,

"What the hell is wrong with you?" yelled the brunette.

"It was distracting, now we can focus on us" said the blonde sardonically.

"That could have hurt someone Kara" said Lena, she stared at the blonde examining her face for any acknowledgement of wrongdoing, but there was none. The blonde showed no concern.

The Super strided towards Lena with a devious smile, she grabbed her hips and pushed her back onto her desk, Lena grabbed the blonde's shoulders.

"Kara" gasped Lena.
"Lena" said Kara as she crashed their lips together, she grabbed the back of the Luthor's legs and pulled them up causing Lena to wrap them around the hero's waist to anchor herself.

Lena pulled her lips away from Kara's and placed a firm hand on her chest.

"Kara stop, why are you acting like this"

"Like what, like I'm selfish for once instead of always putting everyone before me" blurted the blonde.

Lena arched her eyebrows and tilted her head her face softening, she cupped the blonde's cheek,

"Darling, did something happen today?" asked Lena.

The blonde looked at Lena, her shoulders dropped slightly her eyes narrowed,

"Same old, same old" said the hero in contempt.

Lena knew there was more to it, but didn't want to push Kara if she wasn't ready to share yet, so she nodded instead. She knew her job was overwhelming and at times a burden, one that she couldn't speak frankly about to anyone  except her.

"I just want one thing in this world, one selfish thing for just me and that's you Lena Luthor" said the blonde softly.

Lena stroked her face her heart was floating and she couldn't keep from smiling. Everyone had their moments of anger and she would talk to Kara about the phone, but right now she knew that what she really needed was her.

"You can be as selfish with me as you want darling, I'll only ever be yours" she leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on her lips.

The blonde pulled Lena flush against her and exchanged heated kisses, pressing her hard against the desk,

"Mmmmmmmm" groaned Lena, she tightened her legs against Kara waist.

In between quick pecks to Lena's lips the blonde exclaimed,

"Yes. Mine. Not the useless DEO's. Not this unforgiving world that's to stupid to appreciate you. Mine"

Lena's brow raised in alarm, Kara's words both validated her and worried her, this was not how her sunshine hero saw the world, she could feel the hair on the back of her neck stand on ends, a sharp chill waking her up from this dream state.

Lena pulled back from Kara and stared into her eyes, her pupils were a fiery red and along her skin flicked a web of crimson. It was only for a moment, but long enough to tell her what she needed.

The brunette unclasped her legs as the blonde stared at her in surprise,

"Could you get me a drink" croaked Lena.

The hero paused for a moment, then smiled,

"Of course my love" purred Kara as she turned and walked over to the bar to pour her some water.

Once Lena heard the clinking of glass, she pulled her desk draw open to grab her mobile phone, on it were multiply missed calls and texts from Alex. The last one read 'Kara is infected with Red Kryptonite, be careful we are on our way to L-Corp'

Lena's heart sank a little, the women in front of her walked back with a gentle smile, her Kara's smile as she passed her the glass of water.

Lena took a long sip, the cool liquid refreshing her and giving her time to think. She knew she needed to keep her here, to make sure the DEO could capture her, there was only one thing for it. Kara took the glass and placed it back in it's place.

The blonde looked out at the night sky as if something was distracting her. Lena's throat went dry, worried that the hero could sense the DEO.

"Where were we?" Croaked Lena.

Supergirl jerked her head, smirking at Lena her whole focus only on her. She pressed a firm hand on her chest to flatten her back again the desk and pressed her whole body against hers.

Lena circled her arms around her shoulders and crashed their lips, she kissed her furiously as if she would never see her again. A combination of guilt and need. She knew it was the only way to keep her there and she would face the consequences.

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