Back at the mansion part 2

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My body aches and my legs have welts. Jeff smirks at me. "Shutup" I hissed. He stops however. Toby comes out of the kitchen, munching on a waffle. "Are you okay?" He asks. "Slenderman." "Oh" Hoodie came from behind me and hugged me, tightly. "Let's go and chill." He smiled. I nodded and followed him. When we were in the room he gave me another big hug. "Lay down, relax a bit." I smiled. He was the best friend to have. Hoodie sat down on the bed and turned the tv on to cartoons. Yeah...cartoons never get old for us. I lay down next to him.


Masky was halfway sleep. I ruffled his hair and he gave me a lazy smile. I looked at the clock and it was 10:30. It was time to hunt. Jeff busted in through the door. "Dude..." he mumbled as he saw cartoons on tv. "Shutup." I say as I turned the tv off and picked up my book from the nightstand. "Wait! Turn on the news!" Jeff exclaimed. "Why?" "One of the Creepypasta, turn it on now!" I sighed and turned the tv back on.

The news...

Reporter: I am Bonnie Riverto here at the U.S. capital. Computers has been hacked along with many banks banks has been hanked taking 7.8 billion dollars, there has also been blackouts in certain areas throughout many states. If anyone is of suspicion contact authorities immediately and stay alert. Officials doesn't know whether or not if these occurrences are terrorist threat or not. There has been at least 23 deaths and 15 injured so far. These deaths and injuries is unknown so far More updates will be available soon.

End of news...


"Wow..." I gasped. "Yea. Slendy says no killings for the next few nights. He thinks that we shouldn't bring any suspicions of our right now. But I will always have my target practice in the basement." Jeff sighed. "Well...can you get out please?" I asked. "Kicking me out so soon?" He sneered. "Or are you going to call your girlfriend?" He smirked. "Shutup and get the hell out!" I yelled, startling Masky. "Go back to sleep Tim." Masky nodded and closed his eyes again. Jeff laughed and walked out the room, closing the door behind him. I decided to call my girlfriend, Hoodz. I turned the tv back off and turned the lamp on and got my book and house phone. I dialed Hoodz number.

Phone call...

Hoodz: H-hey.

Hoodie: Hey babe.

Hoodz: I-i've m-missed you

Hoodie: I've missed you too. How's my son?

Hoodz: ...He's good...

Hoodie: Why do you sound so down?

Hoodz: I...just miss you...

Hoodie: We will see each other soon.

Hoodz: I know... I just want to see you soon...

Hoodie: about tomorrow night?

Hoodz: I-i can't...I'm busy with some things...

Hoodie: Okay.

Hoodz: You know... Little Brian's birthday is coming up...

Hoodie: Shit! I forgot! He turns 3 already?! Wow!

Hoodz: Yea...Goodnight, I love you!

Hoodie: Love you too, night.

End of phone call...

Hoodie's POV:

I finally fell asleep after reading about five chapters of the book.

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