Killers Den 02

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It's around 3 in the morning, and people started to leave. "Do you like throwing knives?" I asked Masky. He smiled. "Sometimes. But that's Jeff's thing." "Let's play dart throwing."  Masky giggled. We threw darts for about an hour until I broke the tie. We sat down and I had a couple of drinks. "Want a drink?" I ask him. He shakes his head. "No." What a wuss! Well...He got that from his mother. I had gotten a text message from Liu Woods: Michael, I'm in the outskirts of town. The police surrounded the house! Help me get out of here! "Let's go kill some people." Masky nodded.



We went to the outskirts of town to an little house. "What the fuck did he do?!" Father said out loud. "Who?" "Someone." I was now frustrated. "This is a rescue mission!" "Tim! Shutup,watch and learn!" I closed my eyes and father was gone. I decided to wait until he come back. But there was no cops. I thought he had gone mad and decided to stay behind.

*******5 minutes later*******

I heard a scream. I saw a figure slicing at another in the window.

*******5 minutes earlier*******


Getting into the house was kind of difficult. There were two detectives and five policeman.'s time to play. How did Liu even get stuck here? Why do I feel that something is not right? I snuck in through the attic then walked quietly upstairs. I heard laughing. I text Liu again. "I am in the hallway. Which room are you in?"

"The second room to your right, the little boy's room." I opened the door to the room slowly. The insane laughter grew louder. Can't the cops here the laughter? The laughter sounds like a insane woman's laughter. I turned on the lights. A girl who looked like Liu's age, 22 years old(unsure) had black hair put up in a messy bun, pale like an vampire, wearing a very short purple dress, yellow cat eyes, and a purple cloth covered her mouth. She was dancing around like crazy while a little boy sat there crying. Why couldn't the cops hear him? The girl threw little candies at him still giggling. "Sir, please help me!" The woman kept jumping around like a madman. She stopped and I heard her crying. I was dumbfounded. "Why..."she sobbed. "Am I...Am I...Am I not good enough for you? All I wanted to do is be your best friend." The boy started to sob louder. Her nails turned into claws and plunged them into the boy's eyes. He screamed. She shoved to pieces of hard candy in his mouth, causing him to choke. I was stuck. I couldn't believe my eyes! The boy floated off the bed. His wrist popped and the I saw the bone. The woman laughed like a maniac again and repeatedly stabbed him into the stomach. She pulled his head off his shoulders and took the cloth off her face.

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