I can't stay still on my seat so I stood up with my glass to get soothing to drink. I walked to the buffet table and pitched my glass some orange juice.

I looked around me as I drank. Some man walked over to the corner of the empty lawn and set up his guitar. Then the other members of what seemed to be a band followed. He thumped it three times and then all three of them produced a happy song.

People immediately stood up to dance, and soon, the empty lawn was filled with girls and boys dancing and having the time of their life.

Dark clouds of memories threatened to cloak over me and I had to breathe to clear them away. The aloneness was rubbing into me now, right there at the surface of my chest as I watched those people, who were once like me.

I was that carefree young girl, dancing at a party and having a good time. I was that young girl who was so naïve and trusting. Too fvcking trusting.

The lump in my throat grew bigger and thicker as the beat of the music got louder and faster, hyping up everyone. I fought to keep my feet from running.

Nothing will happen, Mia Kazzandra. You're safe here. You're safe...


I turned around and a sigh of relief washed over me when I saw Neil, the boy from the mini mall. "Hey!"

"Are you okay?" Concern etched on his face.

"Of course. I just got myself a drink." I forced a smile and raised my glass in front of him. My hands were a little shaky but I managed to hide it from him. "You look good." I commented. This is better, I thought. Talking would occupy my thoughts.

The boy immediately blushed. He really surprised me, this man. And here I thought no one will ever. The first time I saw him, I thought he's be arrogant. But then, one look isn't really enough to judge a person.

Tonight, Neil was looking fine with his denim shirt and dark jeans, and of course, that cowboy boots and hat. Almost everyone here has that same outfit. Except for Joshua and me, though.

"You're with Sir Jisoo, Ma'am?"

I glared at him. But he just smiled when he realized what he said.

"You've been addressing me too formally." I said playfully, my muscles relaxing. "Yes, I came here with him."

His forehead creased and his eyes started scanning the place. He's probably looking for Joshua. "He brought you here with him?"

"Why? Do you think I'll be here all by myself?"

He smiled when he realized my point. "It's just refreshing to see. This is just one of the few times that Sir Jisoo showed his presence to the people here and he even came with you."

Was that really a shocker? I mean, him bringing me?

But maybe. In their point of view, Joshua Hong bringing me here was . . . intriguing, especially when he's fond of just staying inside his dark castle and away from people. And then, one night Joshua Hong showed up suddenly with a girl in town.

Yeah . . . that's pretty much a shocker, I guess.

"Your Mom is so sweet." I told him as we moved to another corner.

I met his mother a while ago. She was pretty, like his sister. But Neil wasn't kidding when he said her mother had health problems. She looked pale and tired when she smiled at me. She's also too skinny that you would think a gush of wind would blow her off. But there was no doubt his mom was very kind and I got comfortable around her easily, just like how I am comfortable with this boy in front of me.

BOOK 4: The Seventeen Heirs Series; Hong Jisoo (SEVENTEEN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now