13: LAW

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I woke up the next day because of that dreadful pounding sound. I opened my eyes in pure annoyance. But then I took one look at my gray surroundings and my irritation cooled off and evaporated all at once.

I'm in Castillo Luna, the Gothic castle of Joshua Hong. I'm here because of my brother. And today is the first day of my job.

Great . . . I just sold myself to a dangerous devil — a dangerously attractive man with a devilishly handsome face.

Yey! I sarcastically exclaimed inside my head.

I heard another booming of a car's engine that forced me to sit upright from my newly clothed bed. Grunting, I brushed my hair out of my face with my fingers in sheer frustration. Would this always be become my alarm clock every morning?!

I wanted to get back to bed and lay down, but then I remembered something I need to do.

Shit! Joshua's breakfast!

I hurriedly stood up and rushed to the bathroom and washed my face. I didn't have the luxury to get changed and I was thinking of showering after I eat my breakfast.

When I came out of the bathroom, I pulled the curtains to the side so that the light from outside could enter my room. And out there below my window, I saw Joshua standing outside his car and a new one to be exact, just like the first morning I woke up in this room. But not like before, he's only wearing his casual clothes today.

But, despite that fitted white shirt clinging perfectly into his glorious torso, I could still see the ridges of his well-defined body underneath it. And that back side . . .

I hummed to myself as I watched that particular vision. What a great sight to behold! I could get use to this..

I sighed. I remembered what happened yesterday when I slept at the stairs.

He said I'm a burden.

Why did he say that? It's not like I'm his responsibility or anything. I'm merely his housemaid. So why would I become a burden to him? It really doesn't make sense.

Maybe he just doesn't want me here. Or is that why he wanted to be alone? Because he felt everyone is a burden to him? A responsibility?

And then here I am, ogling again, even if I'm just a burden to him. What is fvcking wrong with me?

Move along, Kazzandra. Stop fantasizing about Joshua. It's just early in the morning . . .

Sighing, I stepped away from the window and from the tempting view outside. I was going down the stairs while texting Yerin eonnie. I need her expertise now.

I have no idea what to cook for breakfast. What does Joshua Hong eat for breakfast? Last time, he just had a sandwich because I ate all of his supposed to be meal. Is he eating salad in the morning? Because I think, it would be easy to make a fresh vegetable salad instead of cooking something.

I shook my head. With his body and the nature of his work, salad can't sustain his nutritional needs. And to think they have respective chefs at their own mansion and even Jae Kyung Lee – Yoon as part of their household as his own sister-in-law.

I was leaning on the kitchen isle while waiting for Yerin eonnie's reply when I noticed the recipe book that I bought yesterday laying on the kitchen table together with the farming book.

I picked it up and decided to just look for the kind of food I can cook from it. Since Yerin eonnie is not replying and also not answering my calls. Maybe she's still asleep, or maybe she's busy.

BOOK 4: The Seventeen Heirs Series; Hong Jisoo (SEVENTEEN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now