Day 1 of a New Chapter

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After 2 days in the hospital, Bree, Conner and their new baby girl, Elizabeth, were able to go home. Bree was sitting her bed at the hospital putting little Elizabeth in the outfit Conner and Alex had gotten at the store a few days ago. It was a long sleeve red onesie that said, I am Mommy and Daddy's Christmas present. While Bree was putting on the outfit, Conner was in the corner packing all of their stuff in their suitcase.

"Ok, I think we're ready to go," Conner said.

"Conner is there a little red hat with a bow in the front pocket of my backpack?" Bree asked. "I can't find it anywhere."

"Let me look," Conner said and looked throughout Bree's backpack. He soon found a little red hat and gave it to her. Bree put the hat on her sleeping baby and cradled her in her arms.

"You are such a good sleeper! Yes, you are." Bree said to her sleeping baby.

"Hopefully she stays like that and then we'll get some sleep," Conner said. A nurse then came in with a wheelchair and helped Bree and the baby in it. Conner grabbed all the bags and they all walked to the front door. Parked in the front were Arianna and Charlotte. They both got out of the car and helped with the bags. Bree got out of the wheelchair and the nurse helped her get Elizabeth into her car seat. Bree and Conner got into the back seat and Charlotte got into the passenger seat and Arianna drove them all home.

"Is she still sleeping?" Charlotte asked.

"Yeah, she's been sleeping for most of the morning," Bree said. "She only cried this morning when she was hungry."

"That's so good. I remember when I brought Alex and Conner home they both screamed their heads off all the way home and throughout the night." Charlotte said.

"Bree and Ella were the same way," Arianna said laughing at the memory.

"Ok, let's not jinx it guys," Conner said. The rest of the ride home went very smoothly until they got back to the Campbells house and Arianna parked the car in the driveway. That's when Elizabeth went ballistic.

"Oh no," Bree said. "I think she's just hungry. Let's get in the house quick."

Conner ran over to the other side and unlatched the car seat and carefully brought her into the house and the girls followed. Inside Bree's dad, Bob and all of Bree's sisters, Ella, Amanda, and Janie were there including Amanda's husband and kids were there waiting for them.

"Welcome home," Ella said getting up from the couch.

"Thanks, guys," Bree said. Conner put the car seat down and took his daughter out of it and cradled her in his arms.

"Shh it's ok, it's ok," Conner said to her, but she continued to cry.

"Yeah, she's probably just hungry," Charlotte said.

"Yeah, I'll take her upstairs and feed her. We'll come back downstairs when she's done." Bree said and then her eyes fell on the Christmas tree and noticed that all the presents were still there. "Mom Christmas was two days ago. Why are all the presents still there?"

"We wanted to wait for you three," Janie said.

"Awe thanks, guys!" Conner said.

"Thanks for doing that. Ok, we'll be right back." Bree said and the couple rushed upstairs.

A few minutes later Conner and Bree came downstairs after feeding Elizabeth. Elizabeth was now wide awake and looked around at all the bright decorations. Everyone was in the living room around the tree watching Elf, and in the kitchen, a huge spread was laid out for them. All the foods were the foods that were supposed to be made on Christmas but were actually made the night before, along with a lot of desserts.

The Land of Stories: Bree and Conner One ShotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant