Carries Discovery

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(This chapter I debated for a long time putting it in my sequel book The Adventure Continues, but decided to put it in this one instead.  It's pretty boring, but enjoy)!

It was late at night, and 8-year-old Carrie Bailey and her two siblings Matthew and Elizabeth were sitting at the dinner table eating their dinner with their parents.

"After dinner, I want you guys to finish your homework, take showers, and go to bed.  We have an early flight tomorrow."  Bree said as she took a bite of her food.

"Are we going to see Aunt Alex this trip?"  Carrie asked enthusiastically.  She liked seeing her Aunt Alex, as she always told magical stories to her and her siblings and brought presents to them from her travels.

"Maybe,"  Conner said.  "I'll see if she can come.  Hey guys, we're not only going there to visit your grandparents but also to finish up my movie and I was wondering, if you guys want to be in a scene or two."

"I want too!"  Carrie said as she enthusiastically raised her hand in the air.

"Great Carrie, what about you two?"  Conner said.

"Can I see the script first?  What are my lines, who am I playing?"  Elizabeth asked.

"Yeah, I'm not playing a tree like I did in the last school play.  Also I'm not playing a fairy."  Matthew said.

"Yeah, also are we getting paid?"  Elizabeth asked.

"Not in money, but I'll buy you ice cream after filming,"  Conner said.

"I'll do it daddy!"  Carrie said.  "I'll do it for free!  Elizabeth, Matthew you should be happy to do it!  It's a part in a movie."

"Yeah, but I want my face to be seen in a cool role, not a weird one,"  Matthew said.

"Don't worry you two you'll be playing students in a flashback scene, maybe village kids as well,"  Conner said.

"Ok I'm fine with that,"  Matthew said.  "But how about payment?"

"Guys you will be doing this for free.  This is your dad's movie.  You'll be paid in hugs and ice cream and you'll like it.  Do we understand?"  Bree scolded her two oldest children.  They knew whenever their mother talked like that they knew they better agree.

"Yes mom."  Elizabeth and Matthew said together.  "Sorry dad."

"It's ok guys,"  Conner said.  "To be honest I would probably be the same way, but hey it will be really really fun.  You'll get to see how movies are made, plus you'll meet a lot of talented famous people."

"Yeah I'm excited to meet the girl playing Connie.  She's the main character in one of my favorite TV shows!"  Elizabeth said.

"Guys, it's already 7:00,"  Bree said looking at her watch.  "Let's get upstairs and take baths and go to bed.  You can do your homework on the plane."

The Bailey kids went up the stairs and were followed by their parents.  Each of the kids took a bath and took their PJs on.  The kids went into their bedrooms and waited for their parents to tuck them in.  Elizabeth and Matthew were practically inseparable, so Matthew was in Elizabeth's room and they were playing a game on their iPad.

Elizabeth's room had white walls and they were lined with different band, TV show, and movie posters. She also had a bookcase across from her bed full of her favorite mystery books.

"Ok guys let's get into bed.  You can finish your game tomorrow."  Bree said and took the iPad.

"Mom!"  Matthew whined.  "One more level?"

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