Part 3. Genevieve

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Nick and Jonah dropped me home late but I couldn't sleep, the evening replaying over and over in my mind.
They had teased me on the way home about the boys intentions but they couldn't be right, could they?
I had been so shocked when they arrived and Mandy asked them to join us, but excited too, I could see them, maybe be friends but I was now confused, their actions had seemed they were interested in me.
I had blushed again when Nick had asked if they had girlfriends and hoped my relief had not been written all over my face at their no's. Then with Elijah's words about the prank, and his mention of the photograph, had they seen me, how did they know?

It was dawn when I finally gave up and grabbed my camera, using the quad and heading out to one of the more remote places I wanted to photograph as part of the commission, the light was perfect and the low lying mist gave an ethereal look to the landscape. 
I sighed in delight and lost my self in work.

I'm going mad, I didn't leave the quad there, I'm sure I didn't. I thought back and wondered was I wrong, but no I am sure, I left it parked under the oak but when I had returned there, it had moved.  Now it was by the gate. I moved forward cautiously, looking around for anything out of the ordinary.
"Hello" I called but no-one answered.  There was a small box on top of the seat with my name of it and I stared at it wondering if I dared touch it, it must be the boys and as Eli had warned me, it was their turn to prank me.
"Hello" I called again, looking around, before reaching for the box and lifting the lid.
Inside was a chocolate iced cup cake with a tiny white flag on a stick, I smiled and lifted it out of the box, the smell of the chocolate icing making my stomach growl. Written on the bottom, inside the box was one word 'sorry'.
I sniffed carefully, would they dare, we had never pranked with food before?
My stomach growled again and I pulled a little piece off the side, it tasted good, in fact better than good, and the cake was gone before I realised I had eaten it all.
I grinned, packing up my camera and the box in my bag and climbed on the quad, turning to the gate and stopping in horror.
I'll kill them, I growled to myself looking at the new silver chain and padlock barring the way. I swore knowing the only other way back was a long and very dirty trail.
One all I scored in my mind, my turn next.

The pranks continued, I got them, they got me, as did the treats, I would often find a cupcake in a box on the quad if I was up early, I kept all the boxes as each one had a word written inside, a beautiful wind chime appeared outside my studio one evening when I was working late, hung from the tree by the door.
At times, I caught sight of them at work around the estate and took photos of them as I had years before. And by the end of the summer I had completed the commission for the offices and had insisted with Miss Eva she have them, wearing her down eventually.
Then Uni started and I moved into the flat with Nick and Jonah, coming home at weekends to see my parents, lifts there and back organised by Nick with the boys, who had regularly joined us on evenings out, Mandy and Diana also coming along. Nick had insisted these evenings were prank free and had made us all promise and it was on those evenings I grew closer to the boys, comfortable around them, I'd hug and lean into them without thought.
The first time Noah pulled me up to dance at a club I was terrified, frozen in his arms until his reassurances broke through my nerves and I relaxed in his hold giggling slightly at the difference in our size, he was over a foot taller than me, they all were.
Eli, then Riki had danced with me afterwards before Riki held my hand leading me back to the table, not letting go, after that my hand was held by one of them most evenings we were together.
Christmas had been another turning point with each of them giving me a gift and a promise to always be there for me.
I had loved the silver bangles that fitted together to form a twisted band or jangled as separates but had blushed at the words inside each, Ours Forever Love, my heart racing at the possible meanings. Could it be real.
The pressure of Uni returned and our next real break was Easter, Nick and Jonah joined me at home and we spent a lot of time exploring the estate, the boys with us. I felt sad when the holiday ended and it was back to studying, with exams looming we would all be under pressure.
Each day at least one of the boys would send me a funny meme or just a text to say hi, I wouldn't admit it but these made my days brighter, even though I became more nervous about Uni finishing as the boys had warned me again and again they would be coming for me, whatever that meant.

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