Part 3. Genevieve

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The whole journey home I thought about what Mandy had told me, I hated it but I understood how difficult it was to disappoint your parents. I agonised over how I had automatically blamed everything on the boys, believed her lies. I should have listened to them, I know they had tried to contact me but I had been so hurt and angry. I didn't now know what to do to make it right.
If I was being truly honest I would admit I accepted it partly because it gave me a way to run, because thoughts of anything with them meant all of them in my head and I hadn't been ready for that.
I turned down the lane to the cottage and smiled as I saw Miss Eva's Land Rover parked outside the door, it had been ages since I had seen her and she had been wonderful in helping me with the opportunity to go to America.
"Evie hallo" she hauled me into a hug as I found her with my mum in the kitchen.  "You look wonderful" she said smiling at me.
"So do you" I tell her and grab a glass of water, "I've just met with Mandy and she told me what happened, what you did for her, thank you"
Miss Eva looked at me "why are you thanking me?" She asked curiously.
"Because despite what happened you saw she needed help and gave it" I tell her, laughing as she pulls me into another hug. "Oh its good to see you home again".
"What are you going to do this summer?"
"I don't have any firm plans, when Jonah gets here we will look at uni digs for next term, apart from that I was going to build up my portfolio, I learnt a few new techniques that I want to play with here, oh and I'm going out for a drink with Mandy and Diana at some point."
"Good, would you have time to do a commission for me, the security offices are due to be redecorated and I want some fresh and unique images of the estate to replace the old hunting prints"
"Really?" My mind already thinking of locations and picturing ideal settings.
"Yes really, just let me know your fees and I'll give you a cheque" she told me and I froze, shaking my head.
"Oh no, you can't pay me, you've done so much for me, I want to do it"
"Evie, your work is worth paying for, you have an incredible talent" I blush at her words.
"Tell you what, think about a price per picture, then when you have a selection I will choose the ones for the office and pay you for them" she offers as a compromise.
"Okay" I thank her, thinking I can just give her the pictures then rather than argue about payment now.
"How's Emme?" I ask her changing the subject.
A huge smile crossed Miss Eva's face "Her and Carter are coming home next month, so he can meet the rest of the family and her friends over here, she says she has some exciting news for us, I can't wait"
I laugh at her enthusiasm "it will be lovely to see her again" I say, excusing myself as my phone rings.
Grabbing the key to my studio, I answer the phone "beautiful girl, what are you doing?" Nick asks and I laugh.
"Hey Nick, I'm in my studio, where are you?"
"On my way to the airport, Jonah is coming early" I can hear the excitement in his voice, he's waited for this for months, as they each finished up the last term.
"Hey, that's great, where is he staying?"
"I've rented a flat, I know we said we would look together but this one came up, from someone I met at the gallery, it's ideal so I said yes for all of us, it's a 20 minute walk to uni, lots of space, light, three bedrooms and has a roof terrace"
The brief silence after his description tells me how guilty he's feeling about agreeing without talking to us first.
"It sounds wonderful, thank you, now I don't have to make any decisions"
Nick laughed relieved "I love you Evie, if I wasn't so hung up on Jonah, and your heart wasn't already taken, I would consider going straight for you"
"Nick..." I warned.
"Have you seen them?" He asked softly, knowing he risked me hanging up on him.
"No, but I have seen Mandy and had a talk with her"
"What? Really" Nick sounded shocked.
"She apologised and told me the truth, before introducing me to her girlfriend" I told him.
There was silence.
"Girlfriend! What the hell, how did I not hear about that" he sounded shocked and I laughed.
"What else?" He prompted.
"I suggested we go out for a drink and be friends"
"Shit, do I have to come!" He moaned.
"She changed, you might like the new Mandy, I think, I think I do"
"Shit, okay for you I will try" I hear a car horn in the background and Nicks muttered swearing and I shake my head smiling as I picture Nick cutting someone up, his driving was awful.
"I'll come round tomorrow with Jonah and you can show him the studio, then we take you to see the flat, I'm presuming you want to stay at home till uni starts"
"Yeah, it's nice being back, and mum and dad would kill me if I disappeared again too soon"
"Okay lovely, see you tomorrow"
"Give Jonah my love and be good" I laugh at him.
"Always" he says before ending the call.

I look around the studio, mom had been keeping it clean, I had expected dust everywhere but it was as clean as when I left it, my eyes automatically search out the pictures of the boys and I reach for the one of them by the pond, the first one I took, my first prank.
I sat at the desk and allowed the memories to flow from that summer, my finger running over the image in front of me.
If I hadn't run away from them at the wedding, if I had been brave enough to stand by their side, would it have been different, where would we be now.
Mandy's apology earlier had once again made me feel guilt for not giving them a chance to explain, not that it mattered now, they were probably all happy in relationships, I could picture them with tall, skinny beautiful blonde girls, to compliment their dark beauty.
I rubbed my arms at the sudden chill the thought of them with someone else and put the photo back, wandering round the room looking at the images I had taken of the estate previously, trying to focus on the commission for Miss Eva.
I lost the rest of the day in the studio and it was only when mom appeared with a plate of food that I realised what the time was.
"Sorry mum" I said digging into the lasagna.
"Not to worry baby, its good to have you home and see you back in here, what are you working on?" She sat on the bench watching me.
"The commission for Miss Eva, I've been through my old images and have some ideas about how I can get something both recognisable and fresh" I tell her excited about the plans I had.
"Good, Miss Eva said she was going to send down a quad for you to use to get around the estate"
"She doesn't have to do that, I can use my bike" I object, but mum shakes her head "the quad will be better over the rougher trails and if I know you, you'll go as far off track as possible"
I laugh at how right she is "okay, I'll see how it goes" I say giving in.
Mum takes my now empty plate and kisses the top of my head "don't work to late, you can always do more tomorrow" she warns, which reminds me.
"Nick and Jonah will be here tomorrow morning and then we are going out in the afternoon"
"Oh it will be lovely to see them both again" she turns to leave and I refocus on the images on the screen.

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