Chapter Two

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Nico's POV

      I was currently sitting at my lunch table. It was monday and I was waiting for my 'group' to come sit with me, like we did every day. I may be younger than them, but I skipped a few grades. Hazel came back, but this time with Frank. Hmm.

       "So." I said, smirking as she sat next to Frank. "Frazel's a thing now?"

       She turned a bright red while Frank looked confused. "Whats- Oh." Now he was bright red.

      "Well, nice to meet you Frank. Glad she chose you." I told him honestly. Some guys at this school are real jerks.

      He nodded. "Same."

       Eventually all of us were seated. "So, I don't mean to scare you away the first day you sit at our table, but Thalia and I had an... Experience at the Asylum." Everyone immediately leaned forward, while Frank looked calm.

     "Your mom does that undercover job, right?" He asked quietly. I nodded.

     "So they got a new guy. He... I..." I looked over at Thalia. "A little help?"

      "Sure. There was a guy screaming at the top of his lungs about a... Gabe guy? He said he tied his mom up in the basement and was beating her, and was repeating basement over and over again. He also screamed about no one telling the truth anymore. He also said he knew us, and told Nico to tell them his mom was alive, even though they found her body. When he smiled, it was creepy and I could have sworn his teeth were red." Thalia explained in a hushed tone.

       Jason looked pale. "What did he look like?" He whispered in a hoarse voice.

       "Uh... He had jet black hair and dull green eyes, like a marsh. He looked rather strong, and almost broke out of the two guard's grip." I told him, confused.

       Jason muttered something under his breath. "What did you say?" Piper asked.

       "I know who it is." He muttered. "He used to be my best friend in Freshmen year. But then he dissapeared. I though he moved but..." He shook his head. "I need to see him."

      "My next visitation isn't until next week Jason." I told him. He cursed under his breath and began to chew his bottom lip.

       "I can try to visit him though." I told him slowly, a plan forming. "Well, you can try to visit him and I can be your plus one."

     He nodded. "Today, after school. I need to make sure they don't give him anything sharp either. One of his old habits, the reason his teeth were red, is to bite his hand until it bleeds." He shook his head sadly. "That poor kid."

      "What's his name?" Hazel asked.

       "Percy Jackson." He said the name sadly.

      "Wait wait wait, THE Percy Jackson!?" Thalia yelped. "That kid freaked me out! You had him oer once and you told me to hide everything sharp. I hid everything but he still found something... I don't remember what it was but it couldn't have been dangerous!"

     "Yeah yeah, him. He before Freshmen he was so happy. I really only was his friend in freshmen because I knew if I wasn't... Well, one less life in this word. But he turned out to still be nice... If you can get close to him."

     "Poor kid." Hazel said sadly.

      "Yeah. I was kind of his friend before that, but we got close in Freshmen. I remember when he was so happy, always smiling and laughing. Everyone guy wanted to be friends with him, and every girl swooned. I'm not even kidding." He shook his head sadly, but with a small smile. "I remember one day I was helping the principle put up a banner-"

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