Ch.1 ||The restaurant||

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((really quick I like to say none of the art I use for my book is mine, so I don't own the art,also I edited a lot of the book so I hope I made it better.. anyway..))

{tom pov}
I was sitting in my room playing Susan peacefully. I hummed a little bit as I played my bases happily,I then stopped hearing a knock at my door.

"Come in" I answered putting Susan down. The door opens, and Edd peeks in through the door smiling.

"Hey Tom, there's this new restaurant down the block, I was wondering if you wanted to come with us to go check it out." He says, I smile a bit.

"Sure, just let me get ready," Edd nods and closes the door.

((Le Time skip cuz I'm lazy :3))

We get to the restaurant, I look at it it's not that big and it's give off a weird vibe I can't explain. I shake it off and we head inside.

I look around some more and its very dark and thier wasn't a lot of people in there.

"Can I help you boys?" I turned around to a girl with blonde hair, standing there smiling at us. "Yes,we like to get four seats please" Edd smiles, the girl nods and smiles.

"Ok right this way." She walks forward and we follow, she points to a small booth. "Thank you" Edd smiles and we all sit down. She smiles and walks off, I look over at Tord who is looking at the lady walk off, he smirks.

I frown, "what you smirking at Commie" he looks over and frowns at me. "None of your business Johovah" he barks back at me. I growl a little bit.

Edd frowns, "Come guys don't fight." tord looked over at Edd. He then pointed at me "Well he started it!" I frowned, "wHaT! No I didn't h-" Edd cuts me off,  "ENOUGH!! We're here to have fun, not to fight with each other!" He yells, I then roll my 'eyes' and cross my arms. Tord frowns and sighes, he looks away.

I look at what Matt is doing, and of course he looking at himself in the mirror smiling, I roll my 'eyes' again 'classic Matt' I thought to myself. I look off into the distance.

((Time skip brought to you by Ringo

We had just ordered are stuff and we were now waiting.

I looked over at Tord, he was talking to Edd about something I couldn't hear, what they were talking about made Tord laugh and Edd smile. I smile a bit and start to drift off into space. I started to think about Tord 'He is so cute when he laughes... wait what am I saying I hate him!' I snap out of my dream, I frown, and shake my head.

Edd stops talking to tord and looks over at me, he frowns a little bit.
"You ok tom??" He tilts his head a little bit, confused, I look at edd and smile nervously "Y-Yeah..Im fine" my face heats up a little bit and I do a crooked smile. Edd frowns looking more confused, "Ok..." He goes back to talking with tord.

The lady comes back with everyone's food. We all smile at her, then we eat. The lady then smiles and put a glass of pink liquid in front of me.

I frown "Um . . . I didn't order this," I pointed at the drink confused. She smiles and says, "Well it's on the house, it's one of our specials."

I frown a bit getting a wired vibe again "Okay..." She walks off I shrug and go back to eating.

I look at the drink 'Well it won't hurt to try' I grab it, and chuge it down! Once it was gone  I set the glass down, it tasted awful, I frowed I didn't feel so well I put my hands on my stomach and I look down.

"Tom you ok?" I look up at him, Edd looks at me and frowns, with a worried look, I frown some more.

"I'm not sure Edd...." I look around the room, everything starts spinning before my eyes, I frown some more, and then it stops. Edd frowns, I clench at my chest, 'It hurts'.

"Can we go home now..." Edd frowns and nods, he looks at me worried. Even Tord was looking at me and just frowning. I get up and the rest of my friends do a well.

We get home and I go straight to my room wanting to rest.

My whole body was numb and in pain, I go to my bed and I lay down my whole body shooting with pain I grunt in pain clenching my stomach harder, and curling up into a ball.

I was I so much pain my eyes closed and I just . . .  passed out......

(Sorry it's so sort don't worry the next one isn't 😁 /oof I did some editing)

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