"More now than ever," the Nova Force member laughed.

"I saw your landing," she commented while grabbing her suit, "and it wasn't very heroic if you ask me."

"Have you been chased by space pirates through a plasmic asteroid field?" Sam questioned with a slight tone in his voice.

"No, I haven't, but that's because I attack their ships on a daily basis. Now, let's get going," she cut their conversation short as she grabbed Goose and walked out the door, leaving Sam confused. "Are you coming or not, kid?"

"Um, yea. Don't tell me Rocket was right about Goose being a Flerken," he muttered while he hurried after the powerful being.

"He was, and you get to hold her on our ride there," Carol grinned before climbing into a Kree shuttle.

"We're not flying?" He asked, taking Goose reluctantly as he took the copilot's seat.

"Nope," she said, "it's best to save energy."


The sorcerer of the mystic arts sat quietly while reading a book about quantum physics. "Wong, are you listening to Beyonce again?" He called out through the sanctum. "Ever since I told you about it, you blast it into your ears to a point where I can hear it, and you will go deaf."

"Nonsense," the other sorcerer answered when he entered, ripping his ear buds out and settling down on the old, red chair across from Stephen. "Bruce was wondering if we had wifi."

"Did you give him the password?" Doctor Strange question and slapped the book shut.

"I did, but I think he thought it was some sort of spell. You would think a man that has seven PhDs would understand something like that," Wong commented, brushing the dust off the table beside the chair.

"It's hard for those of us with multiple PhDs to comprehend things that don't matter and are outside of our profession," the silver-templed doctor stated.

"Right," Wong stated. "Maybe we should try to get him back out there... with the Avengers."

"He will when he feels ready. He did say he lived in some crazy guy's house for a couple years. The guy made Hulk kill for entertainment."

The floor boards in the ancient sanctum creaked as Bruce Banner joined the two sorcerers. "Have you guys seen Thor or Tony lately? I was hoping to actually to talk to them."

"Yes," Dr. Strange answered. "Why? New information or just seeking out someone you know?"

"I just wanted to 'get back out there,' as Wong put it," he replied. "Besides, I think I should help Tony out in the lab."

"I could take you," Stephen Strange offered.

"I think you both have already done so much for me, I couldn't, but thank you," Bruce declined. "I could call Tony to come pick me up in one of his expensive cars. That's always easier."

Just as Tony arrived, a loud whirring sound filled the air, along with the screams of fleeing people. The four heros naturally took up a defensive approach to the situation. "A flying donut?" Stark had questioned to no one in particular.

"I think that's what they're here for," Bruce said with wide eyes as he pointed to the Eye of Agamotto that rested on Dr. Strange's chest.


"At least we have drinks," Valkyrie pointed out as she walked over to the booze shelf and selected a neon green one.

"This room is unprepossessing," Sigyn muttered as she glared at the red and white walls.

"At least you haven't spent a whole Midgardian month here and forced to fight in order to keep your own life safe," Loki stated as he lazed about on the large animal skull bed, watching the Sigyn begin to pace the room.

"We wouldn't have been captured in the first place if you hadn't been entangled with that maniac!" Sigyn snapped back at the God of Mischief.

"Hey!" The raven-haired god almost sounded offended. "If you're implying that I have ever lain with him, you're wrong. Honestly, what would any of you know?"

"I would know because I once walked in on them," the drunk warrior flopped down on the other side of the bed with a new drink in her hand. "It was very disturbing."

"Brunnhilde!" Loki gasped. "He swore you to secrecy!"

"And you swore to never speak that name," she scowled.

"Mischievous, I must say," Sigyn said with a cocked eyebrow, "and the Avengers were all right about your relations. I don't know why you would even attempt to hide that because it was very obvious."

"Grand Champion," an Attendant greeted the three imprisoned Asgardians, "and friends. The Grandmaster has sent me to prepare you, Loki, for a fight in the collosseum. Your companions will remain here under guard."

Loki cast a green-eyed glance at the obedience disk on Sigyn's neck, remembering that he also had one attached to his skin. He didn't say anything but only trudged off to get into his armor. "We need a plan to get out of here," Sigyn said once they were out of sight.

The Goddess of Fidelity glanced at Valkyrie, whom had passed out on the furry comforter of the bed. The redhead glanced around the large room and took a seat by the window to think.

~Chapter End~

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**We might be changing the name and title of this book in order to include all the characters (not just Loki, even though we love the danger noodle very much and think he deserves better)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2019 ⏰

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