Chapter 13

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A/N: You may need to go back and reread Chapter 11 and/or Chapter 9 if you don't remember what happened...

**Possible Captain Marvel spoilers ahead


A flaming asteroid exploded when Nova shot an energy blast at it and continued flying through space at high speeds. He zipped around the plasmic asteroid fields, dodging left and right, trying to make it to the jump point before he was captured by galactic pirates.

He quickly turned his head to watch one of their ships get hit by an asteroid, and another collided into the remnants. He turned back to see a flaming purple asteroid headed straight for him, and he tried to stop before shooting upwards through the plasmic field.

A laser gun began firing from one of the pirate space pods, one of the blasts hitting the Human Rocket in the side, but he only absorbed its energy. Luckily, he was close enough to the jump point to burst through and suffer a disgraceful crash landing on the planet Krelar.

Blue faces turned to stare at him as he climbed out of the crater. He let out a nervous chuckle and rubbed the back of his neck as he looked around the second homeworld of the Kree. He looked up at the jump point to make sure he wasn't followed through before heading towards his friend's home, hoping she still lived there.

He walked up to the Kree appartment home, looking at the names written on the buzzers outside. "Are you looking for Vers?" A little, blue-skinned girl asked from behind him.

He turned around to see her holding a ball in her hands with a couple of other kids standing behind her.

"Vers? No, I'm looking for Carol Danvers," he replied.

"That's what they call me here," another voice said as it approached from his left.

He looked over from the kids to see a blonde haired woman that wore a brown leather jacket. "It's good to see you again," Carol smiled and led the young hero inside. "I haven't seen you in so long!"

An orange cat greeted her when she opened her apartment door. "I thought you gave Goose to your Earth friend."

"Goose goes where she wants," she stated, "and I'm lucky that I can even stay on a Kree residential planet after I protected the Skrulls."

"Listen, Carol, I didn't come here to joke around or play catch-up on current life events. I need you to help me, Rocket, and our friends," he said, taking off his helmet to reveal a desperate Earthling that was gifted the powers of all the Novas before him.

"What do you mean, Sam?" She inquired. "What happened?"

"Nothing has happened yet, but Thanos, the Mad Titan, is looking for the Infinity Stones. He already has two of the stones in his possession, and if we can't stop him from getting all of the others, then he will decimate half the population of the universe. Half of Xandar's people were already killed when he came for the Power Stone."

"I'll help," the former airforce captain nodded. "Who else are we working with besides Rocket?"

"I don't know everything, but Rocket teamed up with some aliens and created a team called Guardians of the Galaxy, a few Asgardians, and the Avengers of Earth."

"The Avengers?" She raised an eyebrow. "Did I ever tell you that was my call name when I was in the airforce? Did Fury name them after me, do you know?"

"You've told me stories about your time on Earth, but I don't know that for sure, though I have met him," Sam Alexander replied.

"So you've seen Rocket recently?" Carol asked, trying to lighten the mood, "Is he still the same grumpy raccoon from years ago?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2019 ⏰

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