"No," I mumbled out tiredly, "And you're dumped."

He just grinned again, picking me up in his arms, "If you're going to go back to sleep, at least sleep in a bed," His eyes furrowed in confusion, "What were you doing in Dad's office anyway?"

I yawned as he placed me down on our bed, pulling the covers up to keep me warm, I was half asleep by the time I answered, "I was tracking down my Father's cult,"

He may have said something about that, but I didn't know. I was asleep before the words fully left my mouth.


When I woke again the sun was high in the sky. I could hear pots and pans being bashed down stairs, I guessed it was around lunch time. One glance at the clock confirmed my suspicions, it was one o'clock.

I would say I overslept, but I didn't actually sleep until about half five, I was quite proud of the seven and a half hours of sleep I'd managed to grab.

I walked sluggishly into the bathroom, still half asleep, and turned on the tap. I splashed my face with water, effectively waking myself up.

Next point on the agenda, clothes.

I went to my wardrobe, selecting some jeans and a comfy top. I had no reason to leave the house today, and if I did, people would just have to deal.

Feeling much more awake now, I gracefully skipped down the stairs.

Just kidding.

I tripped on air and yeeted myself down the stairs, miraculously surviving, just to run into a closed door.

My day had only just begun and it was already going great.

"Ari, is that you?" I heard Forest confused voice from through the door.

"Yep," I winced out, rubbing my nose while opening the door.

"Are you ok dear?" Isla asked. She looked like she was trying not to laugh.

So did Atlas.

And Forest.

"Yep, I'm quite alright, it was the doors fault."

That did it, they all simultaneously burst into laughter, and soon I joined in too.

Finally Atlas stopped laughing for long enough to ask, "Why did you sleep so late?"

"I was up until about four, planning the downfall of a cult, it's harder than it looks you know."

They nodded, "I bet," Isla said, "Have you asked Lucy to help, she could probably find some information about them."

I smiled and was about to tell them when I was beaten to it, "She already did, we have everything we need to know. We just need to set a time and date."

"Lucy," Everyone greeted her before taking a seat round the kitchen table , "Do you think the others should be here for this?" I asked.

The others being Ash, Skye, and their parents.

"Already on it," Atlas, pressing some buttons on his phone.


It took another half an hour of impatient waiting for the others to arrive.

And yes, I will call them the others as much as possible. Saying Ash, Skye and their parents every single time took to long.

Any way.

The others arrived.

And it was time to make our plan.

"The cult is hiding in the woods, here to be exact," Lucy said, sticking a thumb tack into the map we'd hung on a bulletin board while we waited, you could say we did it because we were board ok I'll shut up now.

Everyone nodded to show they knew where she meant, "And from what we could gather, there are about 100 rogues, ranging from experienced fighters to newbies, although most of their forces were killed off in the last fight, whatever you do, don't underestimate them."

We nodded again, I was feeling like one of the dolls on a car dashboard, nodding and nodding over and over again. It was getting annoying.

"We should be able to infiltrate here," She said, sticking another thumbtack into the map, to the right of the first one.

Again everyone nodded, and because I was irregular, and decided to spice thing up a bit, I nodded and said yes at the same time, as I said, spicing things up abit....

I'm so funny....


I had zoned out halfway through the plan and started paying attention at just the right part so I didn't miss anything.


"So that's the plan." Atlas stated, "We attack tomorrow morning, all of us go, as well as the warriors and some of the trainees waiting in case we need back up. We attack quickly, destroying the camp, leaving no survivors and get out as quickly as possible. Sounds good to everyone?"

Everyone nodded again.

Ha, bobble heads.

"That's that then. I'll go and inform the warriors," Ash's dad said, walking towards the door. Just before he left he turned to me, "It's nice to have you back Aria, back where you belong."

I nodded with a smile, "It's good to be back."

my scarred mateजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें