03 | Breaking News

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In the middle of the living room, perfectly balanced on her toes in front of the television, Clarke pushed strands of cinnamon brown hair out of her face with one hand while her eyes glued to the screen, watching the 'Breaking News' on the local news station. The female news anchor animatedly talked over the video taken from their helicopter of Kara flying the burning plane away from any buildings, heading straight for a bridge.

Clarke's eyes grew dry from her determination to not blink, fearful she might miss something important or, even, perhaps, a giant sign flashing on the screen that said this was all some elaborate joke. Part of her questioned if there were thin wires attached to the Kara and the plane, invisible on the television screen in attempt to fool their audience. How was it possible for Kara to be able to do any of this?

There was a deep feeling in the pit of her stomach that made Clarke realize that this wasn't a joke. She knew-- somehow-- this was all very real. That her best friend she's known for years was truly flying through the air and defying all the laws of gravity and science by lifting the plane with only her bare hands. The girl she's known since high school was capable of inhuman abilities, something she never knew or expected before. The secret ached at her heart slightly, but then the overwhelming joy of knowing Kara had these talents brought the ache simmer to a dull pain, barely noticeable.

The news anchor disappeared as the channel cut to a quick, commercial break. Clarke pushed herself off of the ground and towered above the television, still shocked by the events. Tonight was supposed to consist of her spying on Kara's date and then eating ice cream on the couch after finding out her date was a self-centered asshole. This was not what Clarke expected.

"This is--" She took a deep breath, attempting to process her wild thoughts racing through her head. "This is crazy!"

Her legs carried her back and forth in front of the television, eyes constantly glancing back at the screen, impatiently waiting for the unnecessary commercials to end and return back to the news, eager to see how Kara was holding up. A groan of frustration flitted from her lips until the news anchor's voice blared through the speakers as a commercial cut off and the live footage from the helicopter returned on the screen.

Clarke hurriedly rushed back to the center of the living room, positioning herself in front of the large rectangle, hands threading through her dark hair, fingertips rubbed against her scalp, fully taken aback by Kara's ability to maneuver the plane through the bridge with uncanny supernatural powers.

After all these years of friendship, Clarke never knew Kara possessed the impossible ability of holding a plane on her shoulders with nothing but her own strength. She never once gave any indication she was capable of such remarkable and inhuman talents like-- like Superman!

"Holy shit..." she breathed as the plane turned sideways in the air. Her legs grew weak beneath her, feebly shaking until she fell backward on the couch unable to tear her gaze away from the screen.

Kara expertly flew the plane through the Otto Binder Bridge right between two arches in the middle, dragging the right wing against the road and narrowly missing the cars stuck on the roads. The video broadcasted on the news attempted to zoom out for the shot of the plane roughly crashing into the ocean with Kara's help, safely skidding against the watery surface until it stopped and floated on its own. The footage shook as the helicopter hovered in the air above it.

Clarke moved closer to the edge of the couch until she was barely sitting on it, eyebrows furrowed at the center of her forehead when Kara's body disappeared from view underneath the place once it came in contact with the ocean. The heavy impact created large waves around it and large droplets of water sprayed up toward the helicopter and camera. She sucked in a deep, shaky breath.

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