Back Into The Speed Force

Start from the beginning

Savitar circled Barry. "Like the Greek myth of Atlas who could not put down the sky until someone took his place, Wally has taken my place in the Speed Force. You know me. I love a good myth."

"He took your place? What do you-"

"When you created Flashpoint you unwittingly provided me with the means for my return. You gave me the idea to turn Wally into Kid Flash. To make him fast enough to replace me in your prison. His youth and ego were my allies. So taken with his fame and speed he never saw he was running right into my trap."

"How do I get him out?" Barry asked.

"Wally's gone."

"How do I get him out!" He repeated strongly.

"Suffering in an endless void for all eternity, another victim Barry Allen failed to save!"
The evil speedster hissed. His eyes glowed even more viscously than normal

That was it for Barry. He and Savitar ran at each other. Lightning flashing behind them both. With a crack of thunder they both flew back onto the pavement. The team watched the monitor as Savitar raced out of the picture and Barry followed. Both disappeared into the night.

Jesse sat down in a chair crying, while Cait went over to comfort her. Joe sat down as well, barely able to make it to the chair. The West's has been torn apart again.

A few minutes later Barry ran into the lab gasping and wincing in pain. He had been stabbed in the shoulder by Savitar and the metal dagger was still inside. Cait immediately went to work. She couldn't give him anything for the pain because he'd just burn through it so he stayed awake for her to pull the claw out. Finally he passed out from the pain.

Ella stayed at Barry's side for hours after Cait had stitched him up. Iris and Joe were in the main lab comforting each other. Eventually Ella saw Barry's eyes fluttered open.

She leaned forward holding his hand. "Hey."

He looked around, trying to get his bearings. "Hey. How long was I out?"

"Just a couple hours."

"Where is everyone?"

"Joe and Iris are in the main lab. Cait, Cisco and H.R. are down stairs and Jesse and Julian are somewhere around here." She answered solemnly.

He nodded and looked down at her left hand that was in his.

"Does it still hurt?" She asked.

"Yeah. A bit." He answered, still staring down at their joined hands.

Swallowing, he spoke quietly. "I'm sorry."

She furrowed her eyebrows, asking him what he was apologizing for.

"Today, when you mentioned. . .us. How you'd never-I didn't want to think about it. I haven't wanted to."

"What are you talking about?" She asked, now very confused.

His eyes were full of unshed tears."I thought the longer I put us off. . .the bigger the chance that-that their could be something to look forward to. Just to have that to wait for. . .it felt reachable. Possible." He whispered.
Shaking his head, a single tear rolled down his cheek. "I was afraid. Afraid of accepting the fact that. . .waiting may not be possible for us."

Ella bit her lip, holding back her own tears. She didn't want to have this conversation right now. Not when Wally had just disappeared and the West's were in the other room grieving. Not to mention the fact that Savitar had just escaped and that there was probably no chance now of she and Barry being together.

Run To You - Barry Allen/The Flash (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now