| Chapter 20 |

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Fredrick actually let me get ready by myself this morning.  Partly because I got up on time but also because I was wearing my riding gear.  It didn't take a lot of thought or preparation.  

Once I had everything on and my hair pinned up in a bun that was low enough for my helmet to fit comfortably I bounced to the stables.  I was excited about this day of riding.  We were taking a path through the crown's land and stop halfway through for lunch.  After which, we were all to return to the Glensburg Estate that belonged to the Duke and Dutchess.

Cloudburst is already out of her stall when I get outside.  The stable master and his help have her out, saddled, and ready for me along with everyone else's horse.

"Good morning, beautiful," I say to her as I pet her neck.

"Morning," I hear in reply.  

I peek over Cloudburst's back to see Stefan standing next to a beautiful black steed on the other side of her. 

"I wasn't talking to you," I inform him playfully.

He smirks, "Well, I can't imagine who else you could be talking to."

I laugh and duck under Cloudburst's head to meet him on the other side, "Has anyone ever told you that you could use a serious ego check?"

He chuckles, "I might have heard that from time to time, but I choose not to let that kind of negativity in my life."

His eyes drop to my lapel, where the pin his parents gave me, was sitting.  I had put in on before I left my room.

His hand reaches up and he takes the pin between his fingers, rubbing the crest with his thumb, "Where did you get this?"

"It was a birthday gift from your parents," I tell him. 

"Wow," he exclaims, "they must like you then.  They are usually very stingy with those things.  Theodore isn't even allowed to wear the crest."

I frown, "Do you think I shouldn't wear it?  Would it offend your Aunt and Uncle?"

"Oh, it will most definitely offend them, but don't you dare take it off.   It's better to offend them instead of offending my mum and dad."

"Good point," I agree.

"Lady Graylynn, Stefan, how are you this morning?" Theodore asks as he comes up behind our horses.  Part of me hopes that Cloudburst will kick him for his own stupidity.  Anyone who knows anything about horses knows that you don't come up behind them unannounced. 

Stefan smiles at him, "Theo, I hope you're having a nice morning."

"I'm not," he states, "I had to get up early for this stupid ride.  I'd much rather sleep in and drive to the picnic."

"Wouldn't that take away from the experience?" I ask.

"It's an experience I don't mind missing out on but mummy and daddy insist I be a part of it, even though they won't be riding," he grumbles.

"How unfair for you," I mock

"I know!" he agrees, not realizing I'm poking fun of him, but Stefan notices, and I see a hint of a smirk pulling at his mouth.

"Thankfully," Theodore continues, "the riders are being divided into pairs, and I have the pleasure of escorting our fair Lady Graylynn."

Stefan's amusement fades, and his brows knit together in confusion, "We've never been divided into pairs before."

"We've never had this large of a turn out for the fox run," Theodore points out, "It'll be safer and more practical to space us out some."

"Why are we partnered up?" I ask. "Shouldn't Stefana and I be paired together."

Theodore gives me a slimy grin, "Because you're our honored guest and it only suiting that I should escort you there."

"I think it's more suiting that my wife and I should be partnered together," Stefan tells him.

"Wife-to-be, you mean." Theodore's sticking smile turns even more smug.  "She isn't legally yours yet."

The fact that Theodore is dwelling on the thought that Stefan and I aren't married 'yet' turns my stomach.  I try to resist the urge to hurl as Theodore's eyes trail down my body.  It's amazing how one unwanted look can make you feel so dirty.  

I notice Stefan's jaw clench, "Who paired everyone?"

Theodore's gaze snapped back to him, "Father, of course."

Without another word, Stefan stomps off, leaving me alone with Theodore.

"Well," he exclaims after Stefan brushes past him, "he's in a hurry."

I duck back under Cloudburst so that I can mount her, but I find Theodore on the other side and standing in my way.

"I'm looking forward today, Graylynn."

"Lady Graylynn, or Lady Montague," I correct.  I don't usually throw my title around, but hearing Theodore call me by my name gives me chills.

"Sorry,  I didn't think you'd mind.  Your bother doesn't mind if I call him Grey."

"I'm not my brother, your grace."

Theodore's eyes scan me again, "Clearly."

I wish riding pants weren't so damn tight, and I wish Stefan wouldn't have left me alone with Theodore.

"I probably should go and find Stefan," I tell him. 

"You know," he says, blocking my path, "if this little charade doesn't work out between you and Stefan, I would gladly take you as my wife.  Even after an embarrassing break up."

"Charade?" I ask.

"What you don't know?" He chuckles.

I shake my head, "I know that it's an arranged marriage that we both agreed too.  We aren't pretending to be more than what we are.  I know that we are hitting it really well, but it isn't fake." I'm not sure what part of this he thinks is a charade.

"Maybe not for you, but my dear cousin just went through a horrible break up, the day before he met you, in fact."

Everything in me stills. That can't be true.  Surely Stefan would have told me. "He did?"

Theodore nods, "she was one of the royal families servants.  They had a hot love affair for about a year.  Stefan presented her to the king and queen, in hopes that they would approve a marriage."

Theodore's face dropped in a fake frown, "Sadly, they didn't.  Stefan was forced to break it off and the king and queen contacted your parents the next day."

My head is swimming.  I knew it was a possibility when I first met Stefan, but last night he told me all the woman he'd been within the past didn't mean anything to him.  She must have meant something if he brought someone to his parents in hopes of marrying her.  Could it all be a lie Theodore is making up? But why would he lie about something like this?

"Stefan's never mentioned it?" I asked.

Theodore shrugs. "Maybe he's afraid you would disagree with the marriage if you knew about her.  It'd awful to be stuck in a marriage where your spouse never loved you, wouldn't it?"

"What happened to the woman, after Stefan broke off the relationship,  does she still work at the palace?"  The idea of the two star crossed lovers see each every day in passing, didn't thrill me.

My heart is heavy for them but even heavier for myself.   If I would have known about the woman before, I think I would have still agreed to the marriage,  but I would have been more guarded, less open with my emotions, not as stupid.

I think about yesterday in the thicket,  and my stomach turns.  Was he thinking about her while kissing me and touching me?

"You are such an idiot,  Graylynn, " I tell myself.

"They fired her," Theodore tells me while pulling me from my thoughts, "but mum and dad took pity on the poor girl and took her on here."

I feel sick, "She's here?"

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