| Chapter 11 |

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"I just realized that I'm meeting my future in-laws," Stefan says as the breeze blows through his thick brown waves. "Should I be worried?"

I laugh and shake my head, "You're the crown Prince of the United Docian Isles, I am sure they are going to be impressed. Besides, you already know that they approved of the match."

He grins at my reply, "So tell me, princess, what does the Capetown Island do for entertainment during the Docian Food and Wine Festival?"

I lean against the banister, "You would know better than I would. I'm usually away for extra classes or being 'cultured.' I haven't been to the Food and Wine Festival since I was a little girl."

"So that's why I have never seen you before," he states, "I swore I knew every young lady on the islands."

I raise an eyebrow at him, "Is that a fact? Every young lady?"

He smirks, "Okay, maybe not everyone, but all the ladies of court, yes."

"And how well did you know all the ladies of the court?" I ask teasingly.

"Somewhere in between how well I know you bow and how much I'm going to know you in the future," he teases back.

"That's not very specific," I chuckle.

"It's not a very specific question. If your asking if I've met them, yes. Am I friends with them all, no, not all of them but some yes. Have I slept with any of them...no, not one. Most of the women in court are either married, prudes, or teases."

"So I don't have to worry about any dirty looks from past lovers on this tour?"

"You still might get dirty looks. I'm a very desirable bachelor," he winks.

"Lucky me," I giggle, "that I should be the one that gets strapped down with the most eligible bachelor in all of Docian."

"You're being to narrowed minded, my princess. I'd like to think I'm the most eligible bachelor in the entire world!" He tells me with a broad grin.

"Well, whether it's the world or just Docian your eligibility is about to change. Even if we like or not."

"May it won't be so bad," he encourages.

It's hard not to believe him. We've gotten along so well. I'm not ready to throw myself at him, but a nice friendship is forming, and I look forward to spending time with him.

"Is that Capetown?" He asks as he nods to the approaching island.

I nod, "You've never been to Capetown?"

"Only a couple of time when I was younger, but since there are nine Docian islands sometimes I forget which one is wich."

"Capetown is one one of the smaller ones. It's mostly vineyards and small farms. My parents estate rest on a large winery. We grow some of our own grapes, but we mostly buy from the farmers on the island. I'd like to think we have the best vintage, because it's small farmers putting their hearts and souls into their grapes."

"It's a great way to support your local people and give back to them, but what if it was a bad production year or a tragedy struck the island?"

"We produce other fruit wines, like strawberry, cherry, and a few others. Some of the fruits are grown on the island but most aren't. We are also insured for tragedies, but it's still a huge risk and would be a huge loss. My family would struggle along with the people of Capetown, but we would be struggling together, as a community."

"So your family relies on the farms of Capetown?" He asks.

"Very much so, we depend on their success more than they depend on ours. We are who we are because of them which is why my family honors the food and wine Festival. It's a tribute to the people of our island."

Stefan takes a step closer to me, and I can feel my heart race. I'm unsure what he's about to do when I hear his mother call out, "Stefan, Graylynn, we're about to dock."

I glance back at Stefan, wishing the moment wasn't interrupted, but his focus is on his parents. Stefan walks over to them, with me following behind. A large group of people are waiting at the docks for us, with my family standing there beaming. It feels ridiculous that it was just yesterday morning that I was boarding. Even though it was nice to meet the royal family without the pressure of the press, it seemed so... superfluous.

Mother gives a small curtsey as Father nods his head when they board the boat.

"Good morning," the queen greets, "Let's get ready for the photos then we'll head to your estate."

Mum and Dad quickly nodded.

The royal media coordinator came up and directed us where to stand and who to stand by. Of course, Stefan and I stood beside each other with our parents on each side. From the deck of the boat, we all smile, like one big happy family, and waved to the crowd that was on shore. When we left the boat, each couple has a car waiting to escort them to my parents' estate. I get into the middle car, and Stefan does as well. I'll have to get use to riding everywhere with him and to him being around.

"Well, that went well, I think," Stefan stated.

I nod, "I just thought we were announcing the engagement."

"Our job was to take pictures," he tells me, "my parents appointed the media coordinator to make the actual announcement and take questions."


"The media always has questions, but I'm guessing they are asking who you are, what your title is, and when the wedding date is," he tells me.

"It's a good thing there is a media coordinator, because I don't know the answer to the last question."

"One hasn't been set yet, which is exactly what the press is going to be told."

It's nice to know a date isn't set yet. It makes it feel like everything isn't being rushed, even though I know that date will be set soon, and I'm sure it will be within a year or less.

"Are you looking forward to being home?" Stefan asks.

"I've only been gone one night, but it will be nice to sleep in my own bed," I admit.

"I travel a lot and whether it's one night or one hundred nights, it's always nice to come home."

My small falter, and I try to hide it, but Stefan notices.

"What's wrong?"

I try to plaster a smile back on, "Nothing."

But it doesn't fool him. He gives a part concerned part, urging frown.

"It's really nothing," I sigh, "I just realized, this is probably the last time I will get to come home."

Stefan gently grabs my hand and sends my heart fluttering, "We'll visit, and I will do everything in my power to make you feel like our house is a home."

I looked at him, surprised, "We won't live in the palace?"

"No," he chuckles, "not until my reign. We'll get our place on The Crown's Island. "

I find it a relief that the palace won't be our home anyway. It'll give me time to get settled into my new life without the strain of the palace.

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