| Chapter 2 |

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The moment my heels hit the pavement my stomach drops to my feet. Along the entire dock, a crowd of reporters are pushing against the set of ropes, firing questions my way.  My head is spinning as the shouts merge into one mesh pit of noise.   I can't seem to make out what anyone is asking,  but it doesn't matter.   I was under strict orders, not to open my mouth.   All questions would be answered at a press release later.

"Have you and his majesty set a date?" A reporter yells.

The prince and I  have never met, much less set a date for the up coming nuptials.

"Why have you and the prince kept your relationship hidden up until now?" A young woman asks.

At this, I can't help  but quietly snort.   It was pretty easy, seeing how I didn't know about the engagement, myself,  until breakfast.

My security guard pushes me along.   I'm sure the large crowd has Albert on edge.  The poor guy isn't use to  guarding a high profile member of the court.   I usually stay under the public radar...that is...until this morning.

Thankfully, the boat I'm taking to the Crown's Island is my family's personal ship. The private boat meant that I could sit alone and just breathe.  A ferry to the island would have been to public.  Once I'm on the boat with my parents and my brother my mother pulls me into a hug. I notice that her face is toward the group of reporters, as she pulls away she keeps her eyes on them with a large smile is on her face. She turns me to face the crowd and whispers through unmoving lips to, "Smile."

I force a smile as my brother and father join us and the cameras click wildly. I can still hear shouts of questions being hurled at us and I just can't wait until this is all over. It's only a twenty-minute boat ride to the Crown's Island, but it will be a quiet twenty-minutes that I can collect my thoughts.

Mother hasn't given me a second to think about the proposal.   Mother made it sound like the proposal isn't an option.   That this is already set to happen,  but surely the king and queen,  and our young prince won't choose me as a bride without even meeting me.

What if I don't want to marry him?  What would my mother say if I turned down the proposal?  I shutter just thinking about it.

I turn to my mother who gives me a reassuring smile.

"Kiss your daughter, Darling," My mother orders my father as she steps to the side. Father does as he's told, as we all do when mother orders us to do something and places a gentle kiss on my cheek.

"Goodbye, my dear," he tells me and gives a smile and nod to the reporters before descending the ramp.

Grayson followed father down the ramp without even a, "see ya, sis."

Grayson's gotten to busy for me and I can't say that it doesn't hurt. He's been my only friend, despite him being my brother. The last couple of years I've felt like the pathetic little sister desperately tagging along with her big brother, even though he's only a couple of minutes older than me.

"Alright, darling," Mother says as she takes my hands into her and places a kiss on each cheek, "be dignified, be good, and enjoy yourself...but not too much."

"Yes, Mother."

She gives me a sigh, "Try not to me so melancholy when you get there. You've been given a great honor and you're acting as if I gave you a death sentence."

Probably because it feels like one, she has. This could be my last day of happiness and freedom.  Despite my despair I pull my shoulders back and give her my classic dutchess smile.

"I won't disappoint you, Mother," I assure her.

She gives me a satisfied nod and starts to head down the ramp.

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