***𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠***

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Shanes Pov

coach just wasted 20 minutes of my life going on about how im not aloud to do p.e anymore cause of my condition..track and swimming our my life and now im not aloud to do it just great!

"hey shane!" a voice calls

i turb around to see lydia walking towards me with the new girl..whats her name..allie?..no..abigail..alison! yeah thats it alison!

"hey lydia" i smiled

she came up to me looping her arm through mine making me mentally groan as she pulls us to the bleachers to watch the lacrosse practise wasnt till we sat down i noticed the new girl on her other side

"shane this is alison argent the new girl" lydia introduced

we both wave at eachother with small smiles when the boys come out

"whos that?" alison asked

"hmm i dont know never seen him round here before" lydia answered

i looked over to see there staring at school and i see him turn to face us and i wave at him with a big smile that he mirrored

"you know him?" alison asked

'why she snooping? she doesnt like him does she?'

"that dear alison is scott mccall also my guilty pleasure hes adorable and really sweet and kind" i smiled looking at him

Scott Pov

"that dear alison is scott mccall also my guilty pleasure hes adorable and really sweet and kind" i heard shane tell the cute new girl

'wait im her guilty pleasure? does that mean she likes me?'

i didnt even realize the ball coming till it connected with my helmet knocking me down. everyone started laughing except shane and the new girl alison who watched me worriedly and i knew if i was gonna impress either of them i had to try alot better than usual

Shane Pov

oh my god!

that looked like it hurt poor scott..i hope hes okay what distracted him so much anyways?

i looked to where he was staring and saw it was at alison. i could feel my heart breaking a little ive always had a crush on scott he is just too sweet and adorable and such a nice guy but i guess im gonna have to back off.

it sucks but its not like i can start anything anyway that would just be cruel to the both of us

i was snapped out of my thoughts when alison stood up cheering scotts name so i looked over to see him and was shocked to see he caught the ball no offense to scott but hes pretty bad when it comes to lacrosse but i couldnt help but smile proudly of him hopefully this year he will reach first line looks like hes been practising hard this summer hes caught like every ball!

"GO SCOTT!" i cheered grinning like a maniac

i laughed when stiles turned around smiling goofily at me and waved and i ran down the bleachers and sat next to him and watched the rest with him

"wow hes doing really good" i spoke up

stiles nodded his head in agreement

"yeah hes been practising" he replied

when scott caught the last ball we both jumped up hugging eachother cheering for him

"thats my bestfriend!" stiles announced loudly making me laugh

"im with stupid!" i added laughing as he pushed me playfully then scott ran over to us once coach called it a day

"you were amazing scott!" i gushed with a massive smile on my face

he smiled shyly and quietly mumbled a 'thanks'

"dude seriously you were awesome did you see jacksons face!" stiles cheered gleefully

we both chuckled at him as he kept ranting on about how good scott was while we just smiled at everything he said. i never knew how funny stiles was until today i should really get to know him better hes the type of person who could make anyone smile like seriously hes hilarious

"well as fun as it is talking about jackson im gonna go meet up with my brother since hes my ride home" i chuckled and hugged them both before running off

Scott Pov

i cant believe she just hugged me!

she thought i did amazing and even cheered for me. i cant believe it she finally noticed me after all these years..nothing could bring my mood down right now

"dude your drooling" stiles said snapping me out of my thoughts

i wiped my mouth smiling sheepishly

"she said i was amazing" i sighed dreamily

stiles rolled his eyes with a smile

"she called me stupid" he grinned

we both laughed and headed for the showers and the only thing on my mind is that i will get the courage to ask out

shane mahealani

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