Chapter 33: Epilogue

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The quiet sounds of water trickling were the only noises disturbing the quiet morning. The cause of it being Yugito as she held a watering pot over several flowers with an unreadable expression on her face. Her dark blue eyes were blankly staring at the water rolling across the colorful flower petals and down into the soil below.

"Four years. It's so hard to think that much time has passed." thought Yugito ending her watering. "Things have gotten so peaceful since that day."

The beautiful woman stood before heading back into her home. A cozy home located at the top of the Hokage Mountain of all things. The dream home she and Naruto used to talk about having was finally a reality.

"Naruto-kun" thought Yugito thinking of the man she fell in love with.

Before she could delve too deep into thoughts about him, Yugito felt a tug on her hand and looked down to see child holding on to it. One look and it wasn't hard to tell the child was hers either. A small boy, just over three years of age, with stunningly matching features to herself. Everything about him practically said Yugito except for the more golden blonde hair and violet eyes that he got from his father.

"Hehehe...who'd have thought that moment in the forest of death would result in such a miracle?"

And Yugito was right. She would have never guessed such a thing would occur. She and Naruto were always careful. At least she was. Having the Nibi within her gave her something akin to auto birth control in that regard so they never had to worry.

While a good thing, it led to carelessness. Carelessness thanks to Yugito having the Nibi ripped from her and being barely saved by Naruto before death. Then upon her awakening, them shacking up for hours, and tada! Senju Boruto was staring up at her these years later trying to get her to get a move on.

"Come on ka-chan! We have to go. It's time."

"I'm coming. I'm coming." said Yugito steadily getting dragged along by her child. He was so excited that it was infectious and got a small smile to appear on her own. "He gets so excited just like his father..."

Yugito stared at the little boy happily dragging her through the Leaf village as she looked around. While being dragged through, Yugito was greeted by everyone who managed to spot her being led along by her child.

"Perks of being the hero's girl are still strong." thought Yugito acknowledging everyone despite the constant tugging from her son. "Makes sense. Naruto-kun didn't just save the village. He saved the world. Madara's Genjutsu would have enslaved the world."

It was hard to live down such a feat. Even if Yugito didn't directly do it. Being Naruto's lover, that praise fell over into her lap whether she wanted it to or not. The four years since, she still wasn't used to it though.

Moreso because Naruto's actions were heard worldwide and the world felt the same way. Particularly the other Kage of the Hidden Great Villages. Which was why every year, on the day of Naruto's Herculean efforts, the villages would come together.

Not entire villages but a contingent of each village was brought to Konoha to celebrate such a day. To continue building peaceful outlooks with one another. Was the world totally peaceful? Of course not. But this day was helping lead up to that point as the most powerful people in the world all met and shared good times. All thanks to something Naruto had done.

"The Dream Hashirama entrusted you with looks to be almost reality Naruto-kun." thought Yugito making it to Konoha's conference center. Seeing the four Kage of the other villages all commingling with one another brought a smile to her face. "Your own relationships with all of these people have brought them together where a bond can be made. Where they can see the cards of others and show their own cards in return. And when leaders understand, the villages they lead tend to follow."

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