Chapter 2: Revelations

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Naruto truly shined in Ninjutsu. He was a genius in the art. And with his 3 chakra natures, it was easy for him to use most elemental Ninjutsu. Naruto first learned how to do the basic Academy three, even the Bunshin No Jutsu (Clone Technique). Though it did take a few chakra control lessons to get it down to the required three. Naruto had gotten so good at the Kawarimi no Jutsu (Body-replacement Technique) that he didn't need to use hand seals anymore. Tora even taught Naruto the Shunshin no Jutsu (Body Flicker Technique) and it was by far his favorite. Naruto was even trying to find a way to make it battle available by improving the speed of it. He hadn't gotten it there yet but he would keep trying.

Naruto also learned the first chakra nature manipulations for all three of his chakra natures, turning the leaf into dirt, soaking it, and finally splitting it in half. Naruto hadn't accomplished the next step for either as they were much more difficult and would take more time to do. His first elemental jutsu learned was the ever versatile and defensive Doton: Doryuuheki (Earth Style: Mud Wall). It was a technique that allowed the user to create a wall of mud to use as a defense, either spitting the mud out of his mouth or using pre-existing earth. Naruto also learned another versatile earth jutsu called Doton: Moruragakure no Jutsu (Earth Style: Hiding like a mole Technique) which allowed him to travel underground to avoid attacks. Naruto could even attack whilst underground as well. Earth was easily his favorite element so far and his go-to element.

For Suiton, Naruto also learned two jutsus, both offensive. The first being Suiton: Hahronyu (Water Style: Tearing Torrent) which allows the user to create water that spirals in the user's hand. The water then fires at a high-speed towards the enemy. The other jutsu Naruto had learned was the basic Suiton: Suidan no Jutsu (Water style: Water Bullet Jutsu). It's a basic water technique where the user spews forth water from his mouth in the form of a bullet like fashion. It's comparable to the Katon: Endan (Fire Style: Flame Bullet).

Naruto hadn't learned any wind style jutsu yet, electing to just use it to add a deadly edge to his weapons. Adding wind chakra flow, Naruto's weapons gained an increase in their cutting power. His kunai and shuriken became all the deadlier, although, since he hadn't mastered the elemental manipulation for wind fully, they weren't as deadly as they could be. It was still better than not having anything.

Naruto was happy with his progress in Ninjutsu. He may not have over 1000 jutsu like Konoha's Copy Ninja, but he did master the ones he had. So much so, that with his chakra control and the continual practice of his ninjutsu, he had shortened the hand seals down to one for his Shunshin (one-handed ram seal), mud wall and water bullet, to none for his others. This increased his speed in battle as he didn't have to waste movement on all those hand seals like others may have to.

At one point, about two years ago, Naruto received the shock of his young life.

(Flashback: 2 years ago, Naruto Age 8)

Naruto was on the training ground he'd been using since he was 6 and was nearing the end of his training for the day. He was finishing up with his Suiton jutsus. Naruto was training on top of the water while practicing so he could also further his chakra control. He was training topless on the water as to not get all of his clothes wet.

A little while later, Naruto began to run low on chakra from staying longer than normal. Normally, Naruto would notice when he was running low and stop as to not get Chakra exhaustion. But he was too into trying to master his jutsu that he didn't notice. So when Naruto went to draw more chakra, what he got terrified him.

Instead of his normal, calm chakra, it seemed Naruto pulled from another chakra source. A source that contained powerful, vile chakra that was extremely too much to handle for the blonde academy student. Naruto immediately stopped upon feeling the chakra and decided to end his training. As he looked down, he noticed black markings on his stomach that slowly began to fade away. Was that a seal? Why was there a seal on him? Did it hold his second chakra? Why does he have a second chakra anyway? Questions like that began to flutter through Naruto's mind and he definitely was going to figure out the answers.

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