Chapter Three

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Leo added, ''What's a mere fifty thousand to a girl who will inherit her father's share of the Dexter Millions in-what will it be? Around a year? A drop in the ocean!''

Her mouth tightened. ''I don't inherit until I'm twenty-five, as you very well know.''

''Or until you marry,'' he put in slyly. ''I did my homework.''

''And are you going to suggest I marry you to get my hands on the money?''

''I'm not that stupid. Should you marry before you reach your twenty-fifth birthday, then, to obtain an early release of your considerable inheritance, your guardians, your so upright and proper uncle, and aunt, would have to unreservedly approve your choice of husband. And they wouldn't have to dig very deep to realize that no way could they approve of yours truly. No,'' he smiled, 'I've always known that wasn't on the cards, although at one time I had hopes of keeping you sweet until you were twenty-five and free, not only to inherit but to marry whomsoever you pleased. But the Isaac charm didn't blind you for long enough. I did ask you to marry me, though, remember? I was beginning to realize you weren't as starry-eyed as you had been, so I suggested we marry and, in the true romantic tradition, keep it a secret from those stuffy relatives of yours. I thought that might have set the little female heart pounding away again. However,'' he sighed theatrically, ''that wasn't to be, so I've given the matter much thought and decided to cut my losses and settle for Fifty thou. You can raise it somehow-with your collateral.''

Freya was in her office early the following morning. The thickly carpeted corridors had been silent as she'd walked through the building.''Good morning, Miss Dexter. A real touch of spring in the air today!''

The early morning City streets might be awash with warm April sunlight, but winter was in her heart; icy, steel-edged winter.

She had no way of knowing if Leo Isaac was in debt. His threat to her uncle, via herself, was real enough. That kind of heavy blackmail, the threat of the worst kind of publicity in one of the seamier tabloids, would finish the already frail old man.

There was no way she could raise that kind of money without approaching the trustees. And they would, quite rightly, want to know details. And that kind of detail she couldn't give.

She sat at her desk, her spine upright, staring at the polished surface. For the first time, she regretted the restrictions her father had placed on her massive inheritance.

Hearing the snick of the outer office door as it opened, she held her breath. It was Theo, as she had hoped, early, well before Rose was due to arrive. And now had to be the best time to speak to him.

Her breath caught flatteringly in her throat and her stomach wriggled about uncomfortably as she watched him walk past her partly open door to his own office. The immaculately cut dark suit he wore clothed his body with easy elegance, and the crisp whiteness of his shirt contrasted sharply with his dark blue tie, with the natural darkness of his skin tones. He always looked as if he had a tan.

Quelling an unwanted spasm of nerves-apprehension had been talked out of her plans during the long, lonely hours of last night, hadn't it?-she rose to her feet and squared her slim shoulders. She had wrestled with the problem Leo had presented her with and as far as she could see there was only one solution- and she had looked long and hard for alternatives. So there was no point in giving way to the jitters now.

The man could always say no. He had said no to business deals before now. But only ever after giving the matter full consideration, he surely wouldn't turn her business proposition down out of hand.

Drawing in a long breath, she tapped lightly on his door and walked in, her features severe, cool, her heart not picking up speed by the smallest fraction. She met the vivid azure of his eyes, the small, courteously pleasant smile as he acknowledged her brief greeting. And before he could launch into plans for the day's work, or return his attention to the papers on his desk, Freya dragged a quick breath in through her nostrils and asked, ''Mr. Dylan-will you marry me?''


What do you think will be his reaction?

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