" You look like you're going to puke, are you okay, honey?" I looked around before I made eye contact with the girl that had been with the so-called birthday girl.

I waved my hand down and chuckled, " Yeah, just getting over a sickness, you know? It comes back in flashes."

She gave me an odd look but nodded awkwardly and then walked away without another word.

Scott laughed next to me which caused me to hit him in the chest and glare at him, " Its not funny."

" It really is. You connected to Stiles didn't you?" He asked with a chuckle as he ran a hand through his hair before throwing both of his hands into his pockets.

" Yes, and it was disgusting, How did you know?" I groaned out at the thought of EVER doing that again which I NEVER wanted to do.

" Your eyes, they did that weird shine thing." He said as he shrugged his shoulders, " I just assumed from that."

" Well you assumed right."

We stood there in silence kicking at the carpeted floor of this random girls house filled with unknown teenagers after my last words. I don't know why it suddenly became awkward after we had finished talking about Stiles, it had never been like this before I left.

I don't know how long we stood there but the silence was finally broken as Scott spoke up, " Izzy, I have something I want to talk to you about."

I turned to him and rose my eyebrows in questioning, " Sure, what about?"

He grabbed my hand in his and opened the door to the front that we had just barely came in through, " I think we should talk more in private."

I was even more confused now but I nodded and allowed him to pull me outside. The cold air made me shiver as my skin was exposed to it. I hadn't realized how cold it was out until I was exposed to the heat of the inside.

Scott and I walked around teenagers drinking and making out on the front lawn until we reached the cold hard pavement of the curb. He held my hand as he began to take a seat and I followed his lead as I pulled my dress down and took a seat next to him.

" So what did you want to talk about?" I asked calmly hoping that everything was okay. I knew things had been a little weird but I was hoping that we could get through that. We can, I know we can get back to how we were.

He sighed sadly and reached into his jacket, I watched as he unzipped a pocket inside of it and pulled something out. It took my eyes a second to register what it was but when I did I too sighed sadly. It was one of my letters to him. To be more specific it was the red one, the one I wrote while drunk off of wine.

I gulped nervously as I watched him turn it over in his over and over again. He didn't speak as he did so but I could feel the anguish it brought him and it hurt me to see that.

I took a shaky breath before speaking, " So I take it you read them all?"

He didn't look at me but he nodded as he continued to twirl the envelope in his hands while staring at it.

I watched him do his for awhile but the anticipation for what he wanted to say was beginning to eat away at me so I simply reached out and grabbed his hand. He immediately stopped twirling it but his eyes stayed glued to the it.

" Scott?" I asked gently hoping he'd tell me what was on his mind.

When he did turn to me I actually wished he didn't, there we're tears in his eyes and he was staring into my sole with those sad chocolate puppy eyes of his.

He softly removed my hand from on top of his and held up the card in the air, " Did you really think I was hurting less than you when you were in France?"

Shelter//Scott McCall 3Where stories live. Discover now