"What?" Said Supergirl surprised.

Lena looked at the blonde in front of her, her green eyes were softer now and her shoulders sagged,

"I trusted Kara Danvers, not Supergirl, Kara was my best friend. All the things that I told you, I even confessed to trying to kill Edge to you Kara" croaked the brunette.

"You feel betrayed because I didn't confide in Supergirl, but she's not my best friend and I don't trust her they way I trusted you, in your duality you forgot that" said Lena.

Supergirl stood shocked, unable to utter a word. It slowly dawned on her that Lena was right, her inability to separate her identities lead to this, Lena had confided in her over and over again as Kara and she broke her trust. She was not the victim here, it was Lena.

"Lena, I'm..."

"Stop, I meant what I said that day in the elevator, I can never trust you again" said Lena.

Kara felt her heart break on hearing Lena's words, she felt herself panting trying to breathe.

"We will walk together and be civil in the name of survival, but we are not friends, understood?"

Kara took a deep breathe and nodded her head,

"If that's what you want, then yes" said the blonde with a sorrowful look.

Lena took off her heals and began walking with the blonde trailing behind her. As they walked Lena occasionally looked back, struggling to take in the look of despair on the hero's face, who only stared down at the ground as she walked like a sullen child.

Kara started to cough causing both of them to stop in their tracks,

"Are you ok?" Said Lena trying to keep the concern out of her voice.

"My throats really dry, god I wish I had some water" croaked the blonde.

Lena turned to her right and made her way to a large cactus and waved for the hero to come over, the blonde looked at her puzzled as she pierced it with one of her heels, slowly but surely water began to empty out.

Kara cupped her hands to catch as many drops as she could and began drinking it greedily. Lena then did the same though not taking nearly as much.

Kara beamed at Lena,

"Your amazing, thank you Lena!"

"It's nothing" said the brunette bashfully struggling to hide her blushing cheeks.

Lena cleared her voice, catching herself from being effected by the blonde. They were no longer friends, she would not allow herself to be affected by her again.

The carried on walking until they found a road which lead them to an abandoned gas station. After searching it they found nothing but a few planks of wood.

"It's getting dark, maybe we should set up camp and conserve some of our energy?" said Lena.

"Yeah, you're right, we could start a fire with the wood" said the blonde.

Lena nodded and found some rocks nearby to spark the flame, once a small fire was started they both sat quietly staring into the burning flames.

Lena laid down and curled up in a ball trying to keep warm after the fire was all burnt out. She shook from the cold and rubbed her arms to stay warm to no avail.

"Lena, if you're still cold you can come closer, I mean that's what the scouts do to stay warm" implored the blonde, in a light hearted tone.

"I'm fine" said the brunette gruffly though in truth she was still mad at Kara and didn't want to have her too close in case her resolve weakened.

She heard the Super's boots make their way towards her, she stayed still and continued to ignore her.

She felt the blonde press the front of her body against her back, she then draped her cape over them and placed her arm around her waist. Even without her powers she was still so warm to the touch, Lena couldn't deny herself this comfort, she placed her own hand over the hero's pressing it against her stomach.

"We are not friends Kara, remember that" said Lena sternly.

"If that's what you want Lena" said Supergirl in a low tone.

Kara pulled Lena even closer, her lips dancing close to her ear. Lena could feel her warm breathe touching her skin, she could feel herself getting weaker, she knew she should push her away but she only had so much self control.

"You're still pretty cold, this works better if it's............skin to skin" said the hero.

Lena's eyes widened, this was too much, was the blonde playing a game with her or was Lena just being silly.

"I guess.......if that helps" whispered Lena.

The Luthor started to undo the buttons of her blouse and untuck it from her skirt, she carefully folded it and placed it next to her.

Lena could hear Kara unzipped her suit behind her and waited for her to walk back into view,

"Oh my god" blurted Lena.

Before her stood Supergirl in only her underwear. Her suit, skirt, boots, tights and bra all discarded on the floor. Lena tried to look away from her exposed friend but to no avail. Her blonde soft curls were perfectly framing her face, her stomach showed her defined six pack and her breast, Lena's was sure her mind short circuited right there.

"You're going to need to take off more then that to keep warm Lena" implored the blonde.

Lena immediately looked back down, scolding herself for once again being affected by the blonde.

As Lena started to unzip her skirt, she stared at the woman in front of her watching her taking deep breathe, yes she was affecting her too.

Kara watched as Lena discarded her bra leaving her too in nothing but her underwear,

"Will this work for you?" Asked the Luthor in a low gravelly voice as she cocked an eyebrow.

It was Kara's turn to be breathless, she started this but knew Lena's competitiveness would never let herself be outdone.

"Yeah........uh I think this should heat things up" gulped the blonde.

Lena turned around and laid back down, Kara grabbed her cape and slid down behind her as she draped it over them. She pulled the Luthor close pressing her breasts firmly again Lena's back, causing Lena to let out a moan.

Lena pushed her hips back, Kara slotted her legs between Lena's. Her hot skin felt like it was burning the brunette's, but Lena loved the feeling, she was dizzy with need and knew her resolve was slipping dangerously low.

She could feel Kara's warm soft lips on the back of her neck, the blonde's fingers traced her side, up and down causing her skin to tingle. It was getting to much she needed to stop this, but Lena was powerless to stop her.

"Is this better Lena?" purred the Super.
"Urg.......yeah..........I'm feeling a lot warmer" croaked Lena.

Kara moved her lips to Lena's ear and whispered,

"That's good, but if you were in need of more heat, I can think of another way"

Lena's jaw dropped, her heart was racing and her skin was burning from Kara's teasing touches, she was done.

Kara felt Lena spin around to face her and crash their lips together in a deep heated kiss, their tongues battling for control, Kara threading her fingers through Lena's dark locks to pull her closer.

Lena planted open mouth kisses to Kara's neck up to her ear,

"Burn me up, Supergirl" groaned the Luthor.

Kara's eyes dilutes, she pulled back and smirked taking in Lena's tussled appearance,

"With pleasure Miss Luthor"

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