Chapter 12

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Other than the constant blabbering coming from the banshee, the walk to the Land of the Waves was peaceful. That was until they came across something odd, a puddle

Hey, Kura nii? Spell anything fishy?

Well no not really, I smell rats though, living in a sewer doesn't really smell as nice as you think

I meant the puddle dumbass Naruto mentally face palmed and stomped on the puddle, knowing damn well who it was

"You little shits! You better show yourselves right now, before I chop both your dicks off" Naruto threatened glaring at the puddle

"Kakashi sensei, I think Naruto has officially gone crazy, HE'S TALKING TO A FUCKING PUDDLE" Sakura yelled pointing at both Naruto and the puddle

But before anyone could protest, two figures merged out of the puddle, both standing in a fighting stance, looking like they were ready to fight

"Gozu and Meizu" Naruto had perched herself up on a branch just above their heads without anyone knowing

"Naruto, How'd you get up there?" Sakura questioned. Nope, she didn't yell

The twins looked up and both pair of eyes widened a fraction before looking at each other, then back to Naruto who was still smirking

"If I was a hoop, you'd be my ball..." Dozu said, Meizu got the hint and continued "If I were food you'd be my mouth..." They waited for an answer from the blonde

"If I were a gardener, you'd be my hoe." Naruto said swinging off the branch and on to Dozu's shoulders

"NARUTO!!" Both twins envelopes her in a tight hug, sucking the air out of her

The nins around them and Tazuna just stared wide eyed at the trio. Kakashi hesitantly put his kunais back into his pockets, along with Sasuke who was still on guard with the twins being around his girlfriend

"Ok let go now" Naruto sucked in a deep breath but the twins just hugged her tighter "You fuckers LET ME THE FUCK GO" she yelled, making a few birds fly off in the distance. The demon brothers quickly let go of her and stood a good 2 metres away from her, knowing she was pissed

"Sheesh, and they say I'm load" Sakura said blocking her ears

"You are" Tazuna spoke up for the first time since his little encounter with Naruto at the hokages office.

"So Naruto?" Kakashi folded his arms questionably "mind introducing us to your friends?" He said raising a perfectly arched eyebrow at her

"Kakashi, Kakashi" Naruto shook her head as if disappointed "I swear to god and everything ramen, where has the information I taught you gone, in one ear and out the other?" She questioned with equal energy as Kakashi's question "this is Dozu and this is Meizu, aka the demon brothers" she stated in a duh tone

"I met them when I was 3, it wasn't a pleasant meeting but after it we ate chicken but someone's toe got chopped into it so... Yeah" she quickly finished off, feeling the atmosphere around then get awkward "what y'all starin at??" She questioned, she did a 360 turn to see if anything was out of the ordinary

"That ass" Sasuke whispered under his breath, subconsciously licking his lips in the process

He could feel KI coming from his right and turned to see both brothers, glaring daggers into the back of his head. Visibly gulping he turned back around but quickly shook it off and smirked

Better what the mouth of yours Uchiha

He felt a light wind pass by him and turned again to see that one brother was missing

"DOZU!" Naruto's scream pulled him out of his little daze "Put. That. Shuriken. Down. NOW!" She threatened, eyes going dark


"No buts, put it down" she talked like she was talking to her pet dog or something

Meizu tried his hardest not to laugh "Ppft- butt"

Sasuke turned around to see Dozu holding a shuriken inches from his head with a deadly glint in his eyes. Passing by him, Dozu leaned down so his mouth was level with the Uchihas ear "I'll be watching you" he slurred before joining his brother. Sasuke would be lying if he said he wasn't just scared shitless but he didn't show it, after all, Uchiha pride is everything

"Ok Dozu, Meizu, leave. The rest of you, let's keep going" Naruto commanded with much authority. Of course everyone followed the order, half of them practically shat their pants watching the scene that just unfolded


What up peeps- ok maybe not peeps

Maybe, dudes? Or dudettes...?

Eh! Whatever, anyway, sorry for this really late update, I've been pretty "busy" (read: lazy) these days 😂

✔ Not edited
✔Kinda late
✔ Not good


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