Emily + Colby (messeges)

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Colby😄💛: hi emily, how are ya?

Me: well, colby I am wonderful, only 5 more hours till my song is released. How bout you?

Colby😄💛: i am good. What's the song about? If I can ask

Me: its called 'why' and its about a relationship.

Colby😄💛: is it like about you and your boyfriend? If i can ask of course.

Me: its okey you can ask. Ya it is, its about how me and shawn are way diffrent but still work together.

Colby😄💛: you guys seem happy together.

Me: i wish...this couple of weeks had been hard for me and shawn. He gets jelous very easliy  , i know its common in a relationship but its getting really annoying, we don't spend that much time together, its like we are drifting apart.
Me: i don't know why I am telling you this.
Me: anyways , it was a nice chat, i gotta go, text u later?😊

Colby😄💛: ya sure we can text later, bye💛😄

Another part is out, Emily and shawn are drifting apart so this could mean emily and colby will get closer. I don't want them to fall in love with each other quickly because I feel like it would not be real. So ya , i hope you liked this part.Feel free to comment on what you think.I  want to thank you guys because I hit 100 reads and I know it may seem not a lot but for me its so I want to thank all of you who spend couple minutes to read this story.I hope you liked it and continue readimg.PEACE🤘🔥

Someday- Colby Brock ( Social Media)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora