Go To Hell

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I slowly open my eyes and don’t recognize the room I am in. I remember being
reunited with the devil herself, but everything else is a blur. I look around and find I am
in a rather small room with concrete walls, which have an alarming amount of blood on
them. I find out I am chained to the wall when I try to move my arms. My thoughts are
interrupted when Lillian walks through the door.
“Oh, just the person I was dying to see.”
I say sarcastically. “As much as I would love to talk, I don’t have time to waste.” She
says. “I won’t waste anymore of your time if you let me go.” I tell her. “But then we wouldn’t get to have any fun.” She says while twirling a large knife in her hand while
walking closer toward me.
“You’re right. I have been wanting to kill you myself, but then
Lena shot you, but here you are giving me a second chance to fix my mistake.” I tell her with a smirk. “I am not too worried about it.” She says. “As fun as this conversation has
been, I do need something from you.”

“Oh yeah and what would that be?” I ask with no
intention of giving her anything she wants. “Tell me where your sister is, also known as
supergirl.” She says. I laugh at her because she actually thought I would give up Kara.

My laughing is interrupted when she drags the knife along my upper arm. I don’t give her the satisfaction of scream so I shut my eyes and try not to focus on the pain.
“So, where is she?” Lillian asks me. I open my eyes and see her ugly face while turning my head looking for someone else because I know she doesn’t expect me to tell her.

“Yeah right I’m not telling you shit. You can go fu-” I get interrupted by her punching me in the face. “I am pretty sure a toddler could hit harder than you.” I say while laughing. I watch her face contort into anger and her stab me in the shoulder with the knife.
I can’t contain the scream that comes out. “Bitch.” I mumble. “You know she is going to find me and your plan is going to fail, like always.” I tell her. “Well then let’s make sure she finds you
dead.” She says while grabbing a gun off a table.
“You won’t kill me.” I tell her, but
honestly don’t know with this crazy bitch.

“Then you don’t know me very well.” She says
and points the gun at my head. “This has been fun and all, but I have got better things
to do.” She tells me. “Go to hell.” I tell her. “See you there.”

“We have a problem. Its urgent.” A voice from behind me says followed by the door closing. “Looks like you have some time before I kill you. Have fun, or don’t, I don’t care.” She says and hits me with
the end of the gun.

“So what exactly happened?” Kara asks Maggie as we enter their apartment.
“Um..I’m not exactly for sure. All I know is she is gone,” She tells us. Kara nods and begins to look around. “What’s this?” I ask and hold up a piece of paper with some
blood on it. Kara takes it out of my grasp and carefully reads it.
“No way. This isn’t happening.” Kara whispers while looking at the note. “What is it?” I ask. “Nothing. I’ve
got to go.” She says and runs out the door with the note. “What the hell was that?”
Maggie asks me.
“I don’t know. She took it away before I could read it. Damn
superspeed.” I tell her. “What if someone knows she is supergirl and took Alex to lure
her into some kind of trap.” I tell her.

“That’s possible, but who?” She asks me. “I don’t know. I think we should head to the DEO and see if J’onn can help with anything.” She
nods in agreement and we leave.

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