I Almost Died!!

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    We have every agent we have searching the city for Kara and so far we have came up with absolutely nothing. RIght now everyone is going over the city’s security footage trying to catch the smallest glimpse of Kara. “Has anybody got anything yet?” I ask them and I am greeted by sad faces and silence. “How is it possible that we haven’t found any trace of her in twelve hours?” I ask and I am greeted by more silence. All this silence and not knowing anything about what Kara is up to is starting to frustrate me.

    I feel my phone slightly vibrate, notifying me that I have a text. I look at it hoping its a text from Maggie, but it is just from WInn. With disappointment I read the text which reads ‘Come fast.’ I rush over to his lab thinking something is wrong, but when i get there Winn smiling playing some childish game on his phone. My frustration quickly manifests into burning anger. I swear one day I will kill him, in fact today might be his day to go. I quietly and quickly walk up behind him and slap him on the back of his head, which causes him to scream like a girl. “Why did you do that? I almost beat my highscore, I was so close, I could almost taste victory.” He say sadly. “You won’t be able to taste anything ever again if you don’t tell me why i am here.” I tell him in a demanding tone. “Well you are here because I texted you.” He says with a daring smirk on his face. ‘Oh that does it you tiny little nerd.’ I say to myself as i pull my fist back ready to punch him across the face like I have been wanting to do since the day I unfortunately met him. My fist is about to collide with his punchable face when a smooth hand pulls mine back with enough force to stop him from getting punched.

    I turn around and see Maggie. “Alex why were you going to hit him?” She asks me with a deeply concerned look that makes me forget about my problems for a little bit before I realize she is expecting an answer. “Um I don’t know. He just really got to me this time, but I am okay now. Thank you.” I tell her with a smile. “I’m not! I almost died!” Winn yells at us. Me and Maggie both roll our eyes at his dramatic statement. “ Are you sure you’re okay Alex?” Maggie asks me and I nod and kiss her quick on the lips.

     “Hey, where is mine?” Winn asks and I look at him in disbelief and feel my anger returning. He senses my anger and quickly shakes his head with a fearful expression and fastly points to the two coffee cups on the table. “Sorry, I meant the coffee, but the kiss would also work.” He says gaining some of his confidence back. I start to stalk toward my prey but I feel Maggie’s hand wrap around my waist and she forcefully drags me into the hallway away from my next victim.

    After Maggie eventually gets me to calm down we both head back into the room Winn is currently in. We all stand in silence until Maggie harshly steps on my foot, encouraging me to apologize to the tiny nerd my sister calls her best friend. “Um… I am sorry I got so angry with you I am just so frustrated.” I tell him truthfully. “Its good, I totally get it.” He says and reassuringly puts his hand on my shoulder. I glare at his hand and he gets the silent message and fastly retracts his hand from my body.

“Okay so did you just want to waste my time or do you have anything of importance to tell me?” I ask him starting to get impatient. “Oh yeah it must have slipped my mind.” He says and slightly laughs to himself. I just shake my head and choose not to respond. He walks away and opens a drawer and takes out a rather large gun and hands it to me. “ Okay so I only had enough supplies for one bullet, so make it count,” He says to me. “Don’t worry I got this.” I tell him with a smirk. “Alex, I am serious, if this doesn’t work I am all out of ideas.” He says seriously. I give him a serious nod and me and Maggie walk out. Please make this work.


     “I am going to go look for her, when I am gone get a team ready in case something happens.” I tell Winn and he nods and we both walk away. I borrow a black van with tinted windows and head to various places looking for any sign of Kara. “Can you turn on the radio, it's too quiet.” I hear and I jump and slam on the brakes. I quickly turn around and point my gun at the backseat. I put it down when I see J’onn smiling in the back seat. “How did you, nevermind what are you doing here, not that I am not happy to see, because I am?” I ask him confused. “I am her to help you with Kara.” He says with a smile. “What makes you think I need your help?” I ask him. “Uh that burning building over there.” He says and points outside. I look outside and already see J’onn putting out the fire.

     He walks back up to me with a smirk on his face after he extinguished the fire and made sure everybody was safe. “And you said you didn’t need my help.” He tells me causing me to roll my eyes at him and walk away. I suddenly see a blur of something, then I see Kara on top of a nearby building. J’onn grabs me and flys us up to her. When she J’onn it catches her off guard and I slowly reach behind me and take out the gun.

     “No, you’re dead. I killed you.” She says while looking at J’onn confused. “ I survived. You did not kill anyone.” J’onn says and walks closer to her. “I am so sorry.” Kara says while she starts to cry. “Its okay. I forgive you.” J’onn tells her and pretends like he is going in for a hug, but instead he quickly wraps one arm around her neck and uses the other one to restrain her hands. “Alex do it now!” He yells trying his best to restrain her movements and I point the gun at her. “It’s okay. Do it, I deserve it,” Kara says quietly and stops struggling against J’onn’s grip.

I feel a tear slide its way down my face and I close my eyes and hesitantly pull the trigger, which was followed by a loud bang. I hear a deafening scream which causes me to open my eyes to see the damage I have done. I see Kara on the ground bleeding out with J’onn putting pressure on her stomach where I shot her. “It was supposed to work.” I whisper to myself. “We have to get her to the DEO now before she dies.” J’onn says to me and I nod and he flies off carrying her in his arms. Once he is gone I completely break down. How could I do that to my own sister.


    After Alex told me her plan to get Kara back I have been patiently waiting for her to arrive. My heart drops when I see a bleeding Kara in J’onn’s arms. I run up to them. “Is she okay?” I ask him while he takes her into a room with the medical staff. “ I am not too sure what exactly happened. It is too soon to tell is she will be okay.” He tells me with a frown. I nod and leave so the doctors can do their job.


    I feel someone gently shake me awake. I open my eyes and see Maggie. “Alex wanted me to tell you that she is sorry and that if you hear anything to call her.” She tells me. “Why is she sorry?” I ask her really confused. “She is blaming herself, she is in a really bad place right now.” Maggie says quietly. “Please tell her that I don’t blame her at all and Kara would not want her to blame herself either.” I tell her and she gives me a sad but grateful smile in return. She is about to leave when a doctor walks over to us. “I have good news, the surgery went really well and she should wake up in a few hours if not sooner.” He says then walks away. I rush into the room and see Kara sleeping and hearing her steady heartbeat from the heart monitor she is connected to. “I am going to get Alex and tell her the good news.” Maggie says and I can hear the joy in her voice without taking my eyes off of Kara.

    I hear the door close and I know we are alone finally. “We are going to get through this together, I promise.” I tell her and squeeze her hand hoping she knows I am here with her. I feel her lightly squeeze my hand back. “Kara? Open your eyes.” I say but nothing happens. “Kara can you hear me?” I ask her. She slowly open her eyes and smiles at me. I kiss her until the need for oxygen becomes so bad i almost pass out. “Missed me did you?” She says and laughs and I smile nodding. I missed this, her so much.

Sorry it's been so long and that it ia not very long. I just got a new laptop. Hopefully I have the next one up sometime next week, but you never know with me.

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