What Have I Done

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     When Alex went through the window Kara faced me and she had a broken look in her eyes and I knew that MY Kara was back. I could also tell that this is something that will torment her for the rest of her life. She fell to her knees and looks at me "She....she's gone...I killed her. What have I done?" She whispers. I hurry and run over to her. I sit down in front of her and cup her face with my hands ans look her in the eye "No. It wasn't you. You can't blame yourself. Please don't." I tell her. She pulls my hands off of her face and gets up. "How can you say that!" She yells at me. "Have you even seen your face! Look what I did to you. How can you even look at me right now? I'm a monster!" She yells at me while walking back forth in the apartment. "You are not a monster K-" "Really You're really gonna sit there and tell me i'm not a monster after what I just did? Lena I just killed my sister! All she has ever done is help me!" She yells interrupting me. 

     She suddenly walks off and starts punching the wall. I try to get up but fall back down and hold my said and start breathing heavily. I close my eyes for a second trying to get my breathing to a slower pace. I open my eyes when I feel hands on my face. I see Kara looking at me with a worried look. "Are you okay?" She asks me. I nod my head. "Come on. We are going to the DEO to get you checked out." She tells me and helps me get up. She picks me up and we fly to the DEO.


 After the doctor left the room we learned that Lena has two broken ribs. "Well that explains all the bruising."  Lena says in humorousness tone. I look at her in disbelief "How can you be joking about this?" I ask her. She stays quiet. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. Can we just get out of here?" I ask her and she nods in response. I help her out of the bed and I open the door. I pick Lena up and fly back to my apartment.


     "How are you here right now?" I ask him. "I can't tell you that right now. I have to go now, but I just know this thing that is happening with Kara is not some accident, it is bigger than you know." He says then fly's off again. I have to find Kara and tell her alive, she probably thinks I am dead. She may still be the other her and she is still with Lena. I pull my gun out and run over to Kara's apartment. I listen for a few seconds and I don't hear anything so I open the door, which is unlocked. I walk in and see broken glass and everything scattered on the floor. I see the window in front of me and it is completely shattered, I guess that is where all the broken glass came from.  I carefully walk around the apartment and look for Kara or Lena. 

     I hear the door open and I see Kara and Lena walk through the door. I point my gun at Kara just in case she decides to do something. "Alex are you okay?" I hear Lena ask me while walking toward me. Kara just look at me in shock. "Alex put the gun down. She is her." Lena tells me while forcefully taking the gun out of my hand. Lena throws the gun on the ground, when I look at Kara she is just staring at me like she saw a ghost, I guess in a way she kind of did. A second later she fell to the floor and started crying. I rush over to her and hold her telling her its okay, but I know she will not let this go for a long time. 

     Eventually she cried herself to sleep. I gently and carefully picked her up and laid her in bed. When I walked back into the living room Lena was on the couch. I walked up to her and before I could say anything she came up and hugged me. "I am so happy that you are alive." She tells me with a genuine smile. "Yeah you too Luthor." I tell her with a smile. "I am glad that you are alive, but how are you?" She asks me. I sit down and she follows. "J'onn is alive. He saved me and then he left." I tell her. "Did he tell you anything?" She asks me. "Yeah he said he couldn't tell me how he was alive and that this thing happening to Kara wasn't an accident." I tell her and she looks confused. Neither of us say anything for a couple of minutes trying to figure out who could do something like this. "Do you have any idea who would want to do this to her?" Lena asks me and I just shake my head no in response. "Whenever I find out whoever did this to her I am going to kill them." I tell her. 

     "What are we supposed to do now?" Lena asks me. "Me and Winn have been working on a solution to keep her contained. We fixed up a room with a kryptonite emitter with sealed doors that will keep her contained. She shouldn't be able to get out." I tell her and she slowly nods. "Do have a more permanent solution yet?" Lena asks me. I can't let Kara overhear our plan so I go to her room and check on her. I see her with her eyes sleeping. I walk back to Lena and lead her outside. "I couldn't let Kara overhear the plan. Winn is building a gun that will separate the evil Kara from our Kara. He said it should be done in a day or two, we just have to keep her contained until then." I tell her and she nods.
     "Do think this will actually work?" She asks me. "It has to work. Its our last option. I don't know what to do if this doesn't work." I tell her with tears in my eyes. "I believe it will work." She tells me and hugs me. 

     We are about to head inside when we hear a loud crash. We run into Kara's room, but she is not there. All we see is glass all over the floor and a broken window. I run up to the broken window and try to spot her outside, but I can't see her. "Now what are we supposed to do?" Lena asks me as she sits down on the bed and puts her head in her hands. I kneel in front of her and pry her hands away from her face. "We are going to go to the DEO and get the gun Winn is working on and we are going to get our girl back for good." I tell her with a hopeful smile. She nods and we make our way to the DEO.

     When we arrive at the DEO we find Winn working on the gun in one of the labs. "How much longer?" I ask him. He sense the seriousness in my voice and doesn't attempt to make some bad joke. "Like a day or so. Aren't you guys supposed to be keeping an eye on Kara?" He says and continues his work. "Umm we kind of lost her." Lena tells him. He looks up at us with a shocked expression on his face. "How?" He asks us. "Well we were talking outside and my guess is she jumped out a window." I tell him. "So what are we going to do now?" He asks me. "Well you are going to finish this up as fast as you can and then we will go find her and hope she doesn't kill anybody." I tell him and he nods and continues his work.

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