Chapter 14 Haunted Siveran Dream

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Sand decided to take Rayleta to her bed upstairs; as soon as the fire died down. She was only half asleep when he picked her up. Once he placed her down on her bed and covered her up. He heard a small noise outside. He decided to look out. Noticing that it was Lux pulling up on his motorcycle.

Sand headed down the stairs to see why he was coming out so late. Lux came onto the porch and smiled. " What a home it fits her." He said taking off his helmet.

"Worried they'll find her , so you decided to come check on her again. To make sure she wasn't being tortured. Am I correct?" asked Sand shaking his head.

"Well yeah She has been through a lot lately and if she gets caught who knows what could happen." replied Lux.

Sand knew Lux was right. But what they didn't know was Rayleta overheard them when she woke up. Rayleta had woken up and gone downstairs to get a glass of water before heading back upstairs. Didn't realize she was there until the floorboard creaked. She turned to walk away. Running upstairs to avoid eye contact. She laid back onto her bed staring out the window.

Sand looked over and shook his head." Well that was unexpected I thought she was asleep."

Lux sighed." Wonder how much she heard, I came to see if I could help with anything or see how she settling. "

Rayleta decided to take a breather and get up. She noticed some vines on the side of the house as she looked out the window. She was known for escaping through windows.She took the vines feeling they were sturdy and climbed up onto the roof. She then found a flat spot on top. She then noticed it had the view of the ocean. So she sat there watching. Sand came inside while Lux took a look around. He noticed a box full of photos. There was one of his mother and all three of them as children. He also noticed the glass was chipped and part of the frame was broken.

Sand went upstairs to check on Rayleta but noticed she wasn't in her room. He noticed the window was opened. He moved his ears to hear a heartbeat. Which he could hear hers from above him. So Sand decided to climb up to see if she was really up there. Once he climbed up he smiled.

"Babe I know your up here , I could sense your heartbeat. You alright?" He asked looking around to finding her sitting there looking out onto the ocean.

" Yah your point is?" She responded kind of with a attitude in her tone.

Sand walked over and sat next to her. He could sense her heartbeat was concerned and racing. She looked over at him as he sat down. Then back at the water in the distance.

"It's only going to get harder isn't it?" She asked with a long sigh.

Sand put his arm around her and responded," Sadly it could be , But nobody said our journeys would be easy, your not alone on this one you know."

Rayleta replied ," But I am an adult for all we know I don't even know who I really am. But in the meantime Lux will have to understand I need space."

Sand chuckled but only a small one." Lux will have to at some point. But he cares as your adoptive brother. He has his own problems he is probably wondering about. It will take time to adjust." He proclaimed.

Suddenly a butterfly appeared. It landed upon Rayetta's hand. She then watched it as it flapped its wings and flew away. She closed her eyes and listened to the ocean. Even if it was a good distance she was hearing the waves crash really well.

Rayleta said," Things will change for us all , He will have to understand that. We all do."

" Right , But I will be here for you always. You will never have to be alone. " replied Sand kissing the top of her head.

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